The me in you.

Apr 15, 2006 20:24

So I don't have many posts that aren't private, and I'm wondering if that says something about me. So what did I get done today... Got the fiero running after nearly shocking myself stupid with the electrical system. One of her headlight doors doesn't like to pop up so she's winking. Still runs loud and like ass since I haven't addressed the idle and exhaust leak. And holy hell those drums are loud downstairs. Nate is pounding away and it's clear as day upstairs. Oh yes, and I started cooking all my scrambled eggs in the microwave. Perfect every time! That's no shit. Fixing a computer for Austin and the bastard fails to power on, although it powers up fine at his house... Even tried different outlets and power cables. Blah... I just wish I could spin cookies in the rain with my fiero and cap innocent bystanders with my airsoft pistol. I unload an entire clip at a stationary rabbit in the yard at about 15 feet away and missed all 20 rounds. It was a little windy but shit! I firmly believe god was protecting that little rodent... Though I wouldn't have really hurt him too bad anyway.
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