Nov 17, 2007 21:06
I think everything has lined itself up in favor of this media blitz just right.
1. Most grad students no longer want to study string theory.
2. People inside of academia feel Lee Smolin's book, "The Trouble with Physics"
3. Not much has moved forward in the last 25 years in the field of particle physics.
4a Garrett works outside of academia.
4. Garrett has a life that can be envied - depending on outlook.
5. People like Garrett. He has a clear friendly way of explaining things.
6. His paper came out right before the article on it.
7. The treatment of his paper by the archive generated interest.
8. It is a pure pursuit of knowledge when the pursuer chooses for love and not money. It's incredibly romantic.
9. E8 is beautiful, mind boggling, and worth thinking about.
10. DID I FORGET TO MENTION? GARRETT LISI'S THEORY WILL BE TESTABLE!!! This is the greatest part about it. People will be waiting for payoff in the big gamble where there are so few parameters. People like gambling. And Lisi looks like the best horse in the race right now.
How does that make me feel...well, I've know that Garrett was onto something great for a while, so I've been helping him in as many ways as I can.
What if???? What if this theory flops? This theory is right in so many ways, I don't see how, even with failure that Garrett reputation will be tarnished. We need people to be thinking differently and looking for new solutions. And so much of this will be taken into account.
This is fun, and exciting, and I am very proud of Garrett, and - as always, happy to be a part of his life.
The media blitz has been shocking, so this was an attempt to sort it all out. It is amazing, overwhelming and terrifying at the same time. The emails have not stopped pouring in.
Garrett has been glued to his chair for three days in a row now, and I have been on the computer non stop, reading about what others are saying about him. We take breaks to eat and shower. Garrett's shirt is on inside out, and his fingers don't stop moving when he's not typing.