Not Prime Time Letter

Apr 30, 2019 12:02

Hi, author! I'm sorry this so late. I had a one two punch of health mini-crisis and computer breakdown.

First of all, thank you, thank you, thank you. You are wonderful just for signing up.

Everything here is just a suggestion. Take what you want, or nothing at all, and leave the rest.

What do I like? I like romance, action, angst in moderation, humor, and stuff that doesn't quite fit into any one category. I like platonic love and romantic love. I read gen, maleslash, femslash, and het with equal fervor. I love fluff, but I also love explorations of complicated relationships. I love stories with explicit sex, stories with no sex, and everything in between. I also love stories with BDSM sex, but don't worry too much about that. I adore happy endings.

What don't I like? I'm not a big fan of character death and I'll admit to not liking tragic endings. However, I do understand that sometimes these things are called for, so don't feel limited.

Collapse( Fandom specifics )

Fruits Basket

Honda Tohru/Sohma Kyou, Kuragi Machi/Sohma Yuki, Sohma Hatsuharu/Sohma Rin, Sohma Kazuma & Sohma Kyou

For this fandom, I just selected all my favorite relationships. For the romantic couples, I'd love to see something happy for them, particularly after the series. But stories set during the series are great too! And for Kazuma and Kyo, I really would adore absolutely anything that focuses on their relationship, during any time point, pre-series, during the series, or after. As a request, although a degree of angst is okay, given how tough these kids have it, I'd prefer something on the optimistic side.


Cho Hakkai/Sha Gojyo,

I really love how well these two fit together, even when it seems like they shouldn't. I love how comfortable they are with each other. And I love that Hakkai is so clearly not quite right in the head, and how Gojyo just goes along with it. And, author, if following your heart meant hot vine bondage with youkai Hakkai, I would not say no. But don't worry, I'd say yes to a lot of other things as well.


Adora/Catra, Catra/Scorpia, Mermista/Sea Hawk

This is my first time dipping my tow into this fandom, so let's see how it goes.

For Adora/Catra, I'm not really looking for fluff. What draws me to this ship is the tension, bitterness, and affection that neither of them can quite kill, though Catra's doing a pretty good job. That dance scene? Catra dipping Adora with a smirk? Adora's face set in grim determination? Oh, yes. That said, if you heart is set on something fuzzier, pre-series fic would be could too, with the two of them using their friendship to survive.

Catra/Scorpia: If they don't at least make Scorpia-->Catra explicitly canon, I will be so disappointed. Because it's right there. Anyway, I love Scorpia and her boundless enthusiasm and open adoration of Catra. You can keep it a one sided thing, or you can examine what Catra look like when she's actually in a relationship.

Mermista/Sea Hawk: Look, I don't know, okay? I'm just into them. Sea Hawk's relentless cheer and Mermista loathing to admit she actually likes him.

Yami no Matsuei

Kurosaki Hisoka/Tsuzuki Asato

The relationship between Hisoka and Tsuzuki is so magnificently deep and complex. It's not always easy between them, far from it, but their relationship is so vital to both of them, something that centers them both and gives them something to come home to. Hisoka hides behind scowling, and Tsuzuki hides behind smiles, but slowly, their love for each other gives them a place where they can just be. So, you know, anything that alludes to any of that would be loved by me.

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