First of all, thank you, thank you, thank you. You are wonderful just for signing up.
Everything here is just a suggestion. Take what you want, or nothing at all, and leave the rest.
What do I like? I like romance, action, angst in moderation, humor, and stuff that doesn't quite fit into any one category. I like platonic love and romantic love. I read gen, maleslash, femslash, and het with equal fervor. I love fluff, but I also love explorations of complicated relationships. I love stories with explicit sex, stories with no sex, and everything in between. I also love BDSM sex, but don't worry too much about that. I adore happy endings.
What don't I like? I'm not a big fan of character death and I'll admit to not liking tragic endings. However, I do understand that sometimes these things are called for, so don't feel limited.
Daredevil (TV)
Wilson Fisk, Vanessa Marianna Fisk
Not gonna lie, these two are my Daredevil OTP. I love all their interactions. I love how genuinely tender and caring they are with each other, even as they wreak terror and destruction on everyone else. Feel free to set the fic at any point in time, season one, two, or future fic. I'd really love to to see Vanessa coming into her own as a terrifying force in her own right.
Marvel 616
Laura Kinney
Laura! So, the only Laura-centric comic I've actually read is All New Wolverine, but feel free set your fic during any place in her timeline, and draw inspiration from any era or series. (And maybe suggest some good comics for me to read.)
I love the tropes in Laura's story. Human experiments rebelling. People who been denied personhood regaining it. People fighting for their sense of self. If you choose to focus on any of that, I will love you.
If you choose to set the fic during the current Wolverine run, I like Gabby a lot, so feel free to include her, if you'd like.
White Collar
Neal Caffrey, Mozzie
This friendship is my favorite relationship in the entire series. I love how devoted they are to each other, and how in sync they are. I'd love wacky hijinks pre-series, and if you want to write a heist fic, I'd love to read it. I also love the points in canon where Neal focuses on Mozzie's problems, and I'd love to see more of that. But silly or serious, go where you want.
Yami no Matsuei
Kurosaki Hisoka
Oh, Hisoka.
I wrote an essay on him! I have a lot of Hisoka ships. Hisoka/Tsuzuki is my OTP, but I also ship Hisoka/Tatsumi, Hisoka/Oriya, Hisoka/Terazuma, Hisoka/Wakaba, and Hisoka/Tsubaki. Gen versions of any of those relationships is also welcome.
I'm a big fan of the whole Kurosaki family, so if you wanted to do something with Hisoka and his family, especially Nagare, that would be aces.
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