Oh Jesus fuck, show. You really went and made Wilkes go bad. Not permanently, but you still had him team up with Frost and threaten Peggy.
After a first season in which there were no significant characters of color, there was protest. And then the second season added one (whole!)Black character. Who gives into fear and panic and betrays the hero.
But the white guy who's been a bigoted jackass for two seasons, he sure gets his redemption arc! Look, there were aspects of Thompson's plot that I liked. Hell, there were times in these episodes I found myself actually liking Jack Thompson, and believe me, I didn't think that was possible. But I hate what it says about narrative priorities. Because fuck all the Jack Thompsons on the world. Fuck what they represent. Fuck the coddling of white male feelings. Fuck giving them chance after chance until they finally get it right, while people of color get demonized. Fuck them always mattering more. I cannot properly communicate just why and how much this bothers me.
In a cast full of people of color, this wouldn't be nearly such an issue. But this was the one character of color. And this show hasn't earned any trust there.
Maybe I'm overstepping my bounds here. I'm not POC. But it's hard for me to see this through any other lens.
And Wilkes better not be dead.
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