And so Yuletide fics are revealed. I wrote
Epilogue for a Dancing Girl, a Nanami-centric Revolutionary Girl Utena fic.
rocknlobster was her usual awesome self and betaed it for me.
This was actually a pretty easy fic to write, once I finally had a solid idea in my head. I had a series of conversations I knew I wanted to include, so I basically just strung them together in a fic. I'll get the fic posted to my journal within the next few days.
The fic I received was delight, and I really should have posted about it before the reveal, but, uh, work, and life, and bipolar, yeah. It's still just as good now as it was yesterday!
Appassionata is the modern day orchestra AU the Count Cain fandom never knew it needed. Meganrolling does a great job updating the characters, while still keeping them true to themselves.
That's all for now. I'm desperately hoping I can get more than one
fandom_stocking fic written.
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