So much has happened! For instance, I graduated from college! Yes, I am now officially a responsible adult. (Yeah, sure.) Next one the agenda is...waiting actually. I applied for a paid internship to Boulder Pride (the local LGBTQ organization). More specifically, I applied to a national organization that will fund Boulder Pride to hire me if I'm selected. The committee makes their decision May 28th, so I should know sometime shortly after that. Until then I'm working as many hours as I can get at Blockbuster.
So, I'm out of School, I have a lot of free time, and very few obligations. Naturally it makes total sense for me to be feeling depressed, right? It's probably the transition. I never deal well with transitions.
I have twice late
springkink stories due and time is running out, but I can't work up the energy to write. To try and stimulate some creativity, I'm taking drabble prompts. I don't promise anything due to aforementioned depression and lack of inspiration, but let's see what happens.
So, comment with series, character/pairing, and prompt. Fandoms are: Yami no Matsuei, Count Cain/Godchild, Merlin, Code Geass, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Saiyuki, and Get Backers.