Title: My Own Hands Imprison Me
Fandom: Count Cain/Godchild
Characters: Jezebel and Cassian
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 565
Summary: Cassian wants to save Jezebel. Jezebel has opinions on that.
A/N: Written for
comment_fic, for the prompt "The power of love and friendship and rainbows and shit isn’t going to change this. It's not a fucking band-aid and '
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Comments 15
Ultimately, I think that Jezebel's biggest problem is that he's weak. He's too weak to fight his father, or even imagine a life without him. He's too weak to assign blame where it belongs, instead choosing to blame Cain for what is in no way Cain's fault. (Alexis is a bastard. Cain is not responsible for this.) He's too weak to even try to be a good person.
That's why I love Cain so much. He's incredibly strong, not just in fighting Alexis, but in that despite knowing nothing but pain and abuse for the majority of his life, he still tries to do what's right. (Okay, sure, he mainly does that by murdering people horribly, but at least he's doing it to avenge the wronged, rather than because he's an emotionally stunted misanthrope.)
I get frustrated when writers including Kaori Yuki herself, imo, whitewash all the characters in this series. Except for a few people like Merryweather and Uncle Neil, there are no nice people here.
Also, yes @ Jezebel being weak-- both in the obvious and spiritual senses of the word. --Which I guess is probably also part of his childish nature. I mean, by no means should 'childish' be taken to mean 'nice.' Little kids are kinda amoral, aren't they?
Idk about Cain though... he's one of the ones where I feel like both fans and the author treat him like he's a lot better person than he really is. (I guess it always came across to me like he solves crimes in order to make himself feel better, not out of any actual consideration for the victims' wishes-- like, he wants to kill people, but unlike Jezebel he's sane enough to do so in a more socially acceptable manner.)
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