Title: In the Mirror Behind Me
Fandom: Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Characters/Pairing: Akio, implications of Akio/Anthy
Rating: PG-13, but only because it feels distinctly wrong to rate anything with Akio in it any lower.
Warning: Spoilers for the end of the series.
Summary: She took her secrets with her
A/N: This was written for
springkink. The prompt was: Revolutionary Girl Utena, Akio/Anthy: Secrets - "your face in the mirror behind me."
When she left, she took her secrets with her. Akio is only now discovering how much she knew, and how much she never told him.
He’s waiting for the swords, always listening for the clanging that you hear deep in your bones and the vicious hissing so eager for blood. He knows that right now they are sating themselves with the girl-prince. But if she finds the girl-prince, she will free her. And then the swords will come back to him
He is preparing for that day. He builds his walls and prepares his defenses. The next sacrifice must be found. Kanae is the logical choice, but she has been keeping her distance as of late.
His knowledge of the campus is still absolute. He hears all of the rumors. They say that he is distracted, acting strangely. Some even go so far as to say that he is unstable.
It’s the mirrors that really have them worried. Even he admits that his behavior around them is unusual. But no one is seeing what he sees.
The first morning after she left, he awoke feeling confident and sure. Her desertion was a setback, a large setback, but nothing he couldn’t deal with. He told himself that he had never truly needed her anyway.
Then he looked in the mirror.
He saw himself, just as usual, but he also saw her, slightly behind him. He whirled around, but the room was empty.
Her eyes were uncovered and clear, and her violet hair flowed freely around her. On her face was a small, inscrutable smile. For a full two minutes or more he could only stare at her. Then rage overcame him and the mirror shattered.
He tried to pass it off as a freak occurrence, but that proved impossible. She was in every mirror he passed, her eyes and smile mocking him. He began to worry that he would be driven mad.
So he has banned mirrors from his campus--none in the bathrooms, and none in the dormitories. Students aren’t even allowed personal mirrors.
He breathes easier now, and can better focus on regaining what he lost. Soon he won’t even remember she was ever there.
Still, there is one mirror left on the campus. Only he knows where it is, hidden under the cushions of his pristine white couch. Every once in while, he pulls it out, gazes into her eyes, and tries to tease the secrets from that accursed, ever present smile.