Fic: 450 Feet Under, Chapter 1

May 20, 2015 23:59

Ha! Here it is now: I've started posting a new fic, after a very long hiatus. I've decided against posting it on livejournal, because the formatting options here are not that great. Instead, I've set up an account at Archive of Our Own, and will be posting the fic there, one chapter at a time, over the next few weeks. So, if you're interested, just head to AO3 and take a look.

450 Feet Under
by Veldeia

Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Rating: Teen and up
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Tony, Jarvis, Bruce, Natasha
Word Count: Eventually around 20 000.

“So. Sitrep," Tony said aloud, mainly to keep himself sane. "I'm stuck in a cave with no way to communicate to the outside world that I'm alive, and there's at least a couple of hundred feet of rock between me and help. The way I came in is definitely blocked, and I'm sporting the most spectacular compound fracture which will no doubt make moving around a bit - interesting. Plan of action... Trying to get out on my own might be a challenge.”

Or, cave rescue, Avengers style. Takes place at some non-specific point in time after Iron Man 3 and before Age of Ultron. Established Steve/Tony, though it's mainly in the background.

Story on AO3
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