Hello readers. How's it going? I've had a great time the last few days.
I took a trip home early Thurs. morning with my dad because later on in
the day we were all going to the Phillies game. I met up with Chase and
helped him wash his hair (which was a fun experience, haha) then got
ready and went out for Amazon. We ate back at his house, then took a
trip to Jordan's. She was leaving for schoolthe next day so I wanted to
see her before she left. We hung out there for a while, then took a
stop at my house, then went to Kos's. We chit chatted there for a
while, then me, Chase and Jordan headed over to Rob's bcause he was
leaving the next day as well. We talked with him for a while, then
left. I dropped off Jordan and we said our good-byes, then I dropped
off Chase and we said our good-byes. (I wasn't going to be home when he
leaves for college.) I headed home and my family and I went to the
game. We listened to TV Show songs all the way there guessing which
show they belonged to, it was amusing. Jen and I decided to listen to
my father's baseball lingo and copy what he was saying like "Take a
seat!" and much other more complicated things, haha! Jen and I both
agreed that Chase Utley, the teams second baseman, was the most hansome
looking one on the team. Jen and I went and bought shirts during the
game. I got one that said "Utley 26", haha! There was a little girl
sitting behind us screaming at the top of her lungs in this high,
squealy type of pitch. It gave Jen and I a headache. Unfortunately, our
team lost, but I still enjoyed myself.
When I got home I called Dana to see if she was still alive! I haven't
talked to her in weeks which is really weird. I haven't talked with her
much in a long while. It makes me sad. :( Everyone seems busy nowadays,
but I can't blame them. Everyones getting ready for college, or on
vacation, or with their boyfriends or girlfriends. I know I'm down the
shore a lot, but it's only like 3 days out of the week...ish. But now I
can't wait for everyone's breaks so we can all get together and hang
out and tell each other about our experiences with college and what
not. But I'm glad I'm going to college with a lot of my close friends.
Jimmy is like family to us, and I've gotten really close with Concetta
lately which is freakin' awesome because Concetta is the shit! Haha!
(Love you girl!) But maybe once college starts I'll be able to see a
little more of some other people I haven't seen in a while that are
staying home.
But anyways, (I got off track there, lol) my mom woke me up kind of
earlish to get ready to go back down the shore. We got down there and
picked up Jen (who had gone down with my dad after the game) and we
went and did some ceramics! We discovered the place last year while
looking for a TV. It's a cute little place. My sister painted and bowl
that had a thing on it for chopsticks, I painted myself a cute little
bowl thing, and my mother painted a thing you set spoons on that looked
like a flower. It was so much fun! After that i headed home and relaxed
the rest of the night because I was feeling sick.
Today (which is still Saturday to me) my dad woke me up early because
we were all going jet skiing (or wave running, same thing). We got
ready and headed out. It was sooooooooooooo much fun!!!!!!! I want to
do it again! All four of us got our own jet skis and headed out to
semi-open water. We flew across that water! I can't wait till I can do
it again. We were out there for a half hour which was long enough. My
hands were starting to hurt from holding on to stop myself from flying
off! Haha! I'm hoping maybe to take Sam soon if he can come.
When we all got home we relaxed a while, then ordered food from
Mario's. It was splendid. My mom and I then went to the boardwalk to do
a little shopping for my dad. It's his birthday...today! Haha! We
bought him a bunch of stuff and celebrated his birtdhay tonight since
Jen and I have work. We then watched Meet the Fockers. I already saw it
with my mom before and found it quite amusing the second time as well.
AHHH! I have to get up for work in a few hours!! NIGHT!!!
Oops! Almost forgot. Jen wanted some peanut butter the other night.
When she picked up the jar, she was shocked to find what looks like a
face on the side of the jar! It was quite amusing.