sooo much!

Jun 24, 2005 15:38

omy, so much has been going on already during my summer!! I've been to a few grad parties, been working, and also has freshman orientation at rowan!! I don't even know where to begin! Lets see... On July 18th I had 3 grad parties to go to. First, Sam and I went to Vanessa's which was tons of fun. We played horseshoes, and ping pong, ate great food, and watched Vanessa get chased with cake and a watergun, haha! It was very entertaining.

After a while we headed over to Billy P.'s house for his grad party. He had a lot of family and family friends there. They were all very amusing. We didn't go in the pool, but we got soaked anyways after getting hugs from Billy and Alise (his girlfriend...I love her!). We ate more food and played some volleyball. First the boys beat us girls, then Sam and I beat them. It was very amusing.

After that, we headed to Bill H's. where most of our closer friends were. He had a moon bounce which was quite amusing. We all hung out, watched some TV, cleaned up Billy's little brothers mess (haha!), and had pleasant conversations. Also got to dance! Woohoo! I actually didn't eat food there either, haha! I'm a piggy usually. So that was basically my Saturday in a nut shell.

On Sunday morning I woke up freakishly early and got showered to I could head down the shore for work. I work on Sundays from 9-4 in Ocean City (if you didn't know). So I worked all morning and right when I was finishing work, Sam and my mom walked in and I was so happy! Sam and I spent our evening together playing Dr. Mario and Scrabble. (I beat him in both! Woohoo!) Then we headed to bed. The next day I had work at 4, so we hung out in the morning playing Dr. Mario and scrabble once again. This time I was beaten in Scrabble, but not Dr. Mario because I rock! He ended up staying although I had work. He went surfing with my cousin. That night we watched Once Upon a Time in Mexico which was awesome, then fell asleep when it was over.

Tuesday morning we woke up and showered then went to Tory's for lunch. We waited for the check for 20 minutes!! Way too long. Then he went home and I got ready for work. After work my mother picked me up and we headed home because I had freshman orientation the next morning for Rowan.

I had the best time at Rowan and I have so much to say, so I will put this in an LJ cut. Hehe! Enjoy!

And don't worry, I know I still have to write about prom and graduation and I have lots of pictures...I'm just so busy I don't have time. Sorry!

Orientation Day 1

I woke up Wednesday morning and got ready and waited for Jimmy and his mother to show up. When we got there we met up with Concetta and signed in. In the main Hall we met up with Rakus and Lex and sat with them through the beginning speech. We all got assigned groups for the day. I was in group 11 with Lex, Concetta was in 12, Rakus was in 5 and Jimmy was in 6. (The only reason I remember that is because Concetta was one more that me, Jimmy was half of Concetta, and Rakus was one less than Jimmy, haha!)

We met with our Pros, Frank and Heather (Pros are students at Rowan that take us around and show us the ropes.) We all sat outside in the shade and did some icebreakers. We had to introduce ourselves by putting an adjective with our names. I remember really made it easier to remember. Fun-loving Frank, Cooky Caryn, Cool Kevin, Merry Mandi, Adrenaline Adam, Exciting Eva, Magnificent Michelle, Animated Anastasia, Bodacious Bryan, Active Alexis, Jumpy Jess (me!), and the last guys name was Sean, I just forget his adjective, and Happy Heather. I was so hyper that day so I was all crazy and stuff. After that we met up with Concetta's group and listened to one of the math teacher speak about reincarnation and stuff and how he was a woman in his passed life. That was sooooo weird, but I found in interesting.

At one point we went to lunch and had amazing food, then went to two periods of our choice. Me, Concetta and Lex went to "What to do at RU." That's where I met Bill and Walter. They were cool guys. At one point they discussed our mascot, an owl, and showed us a picture of it being angry so I looked at Concetta and went "HOOT!" in a mean way and she burst into laughter. They probably thought we were so disrespectful, haha! At one point I said I wasn't a leader type person and Concetta looked at me and went "So, Jess, are you a follower?...Are you a sheep?....BAAHHH!" And I cried I was laughing so hard, haha! It was great. After that period was over we went to a meeting about Commuters with Concetta, Jimmy, Rakus and Mandi (a really nice girl from my group...we like her) which was somewhat helpful.

After that we went back to Wilson hall and watched a video about Rowan, then had snack, then went back in and watched a video on Drinking and Date Rape. We then went to a room with another group and discussed it for an hour.

We then had an hour to do activities of our choice, to go to the planetarium, the Rec center, the library, or a coffee house thingy. I ran home real quick then met Jimmy at the Planetarium where we watched a laser show with Beatles music. It was pretty cool. We all then went and had dinner where my group discuss movies and what not. We really bonded over the entire day. After eating we went on a tour with our Pros of the school. We then went to the gym with everyone else and had this big game show with random trivia on movies, music and 90s TV shows. It was entertaining.

Then the best part of the orientation! We went to the student center where we had a choice to either go to a dance, watch a comedian, or watch Hitch. We could go back and forth as we pleased. I spent a lot of time at the dance in the beginning, then went and saw the comedian who was freakin' hilarious! Afterwards we all went home and I wrnt to bed pretty late.

Orientation Day 2

Concetta and I met up and went to breakfast with our groups. We then went to certain rooms for our majors where we took some surveys then were loaded with tons of papers and information. My head exploded! We also got our schedules and I found out I have two classes with Jimmy! Hurray! My schedule isn't that bad at all. All my classes are spread out and I have a free Friday! Hurray!

After that we all met at the lobby and were declared The Class of 2009. There was a huge picnic afterwards. My mom and I went to the school store and had a shopping spree! Its huge!! We bought stuff for everyone! I got a cute t-shirt and a nice sweatshirt for myself.

It was a great two days and I made lots of friends.

When I got home I went to Sam's and gave him a bear wearing a T-shirt that says "Someone at Rowan University Loves You!" It was so cute. I told him about my day, then we decided to clean his room! We moved all the furniture out and took apart his bed. I got grease all over my pants so I had to wear one of his pants which actually fit, haha! After moving all of the furniture out and after I vacuumed I went downstairs and got something to eat, then fell asleep on his couch for 4 hours!! I was exhausted from the orientation. When I woke up his room was done and he got his new bed in which was quite comfortable. He was happy.

So that was basically it...hope you enjoyed...and leave me comments! :)
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