He made it out alive!!!

Jun 26, 2021 23:40

Dad’s out of surgery and is okay!! I took notes while talking to Mom and my older brother on a 3-way call.
They had to cut him through his chest to his groin. They tied off an artery-it had ruptured when they finally got in there. His tummy was swollen full of blood. They gave him a transfusion of 2.5 liters of blood; he had lost 3 liters. He’s given blood like clockwork ever since I can remember, and I’m glad that he got to cash in on that :)
By the time the surgical team arrived, it had ruptured and he had only seconds left to live, but the team all rushed over and was able to save him. It was 10 cm when they first took measure of it. When they removed it, it was ruptured and the size of a small football. They didn’t have to cut his colon or damage any of his organs. His butt’s going to be sore for about four months, and he can’t ride a bike for 3-4 months. He’s going to be a huuuuge grumpy pain, but at least he’s alive!!
Aneurysms can happen from anything. He hit his leg a while ago, and they think that might be the cause. The doc said that it had to be growing for a long time since it was the biggest he’d ever seen.
The bleed scared them because blood was pushing out so fast. They thought maybe it was because his health was so good that they were able to save him. They’re going to keep him in the Intensive Care Unit for observation for the next four days. He can’t do much for the next few weeks after that, which I know will drive him bananas. He’s strong, his blood pressure’s good, and before he went under, he was just really hungry. He’s at Room 11 in the St. Luke’s ICU. Doc says he has the body of a 30-year-old.
Uncle Walter had one like this that killed him-in the same place, and Uncle Joe also had one removed, both in their groin on the same legs.
The doc said to let me and my brothers know that we’d need an ultrasound at least once a year to make sure we don’t suffer the same fate.
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