Had to deal with an escapee kitty, a lack of creamer, and a stubborn belief that this is not actually Monday, but rather still the weekend and I can go back to sleep. If those are the worst of my worries, I guess I'm not doing too poorly. :p Helped two insureds who'd mailed their payments to the wrong place, which was time-consuming but ultimately satisfying. Less satisfying to research a sweep issue from an agent and find that we drafted them twice (technically the system submitted it twice but I usually catch those when I double-check and I didn't, so I feel bad :/ They weren't upset, but I am. >_<)
Good news back from mom's doctor - it's not diabetes. Bad news - they don't know WHAT it is, or even if it's anything at all.
...oh DAMMIT.
Earworm alert.But yeah, hoping the news stays good.
Huh. A coworker just laughed at a joke an agent made and it sounded exactly like a wounded cow in Minecraft. And earlier this morning I heard a weird noise from the alley below as I was getting dressed that sounded like a Minecraft skeleton clattering around. I think my brain is trying to trick me into playing again. Yoooou must finish the caaaaastle. *ssssss*
Re WoW: well, didn't want to, but took my druid off to the nightmare that is PvP to get the School of Hard Knocks achievement, last one I needed for the title (though I'll still probably use the Patient). Tre and Dkz helped immensely, and I could not have done it without them (and many swears. Made sure to caution Tre that I was not swearing at him! But fuck psychic scream only having a 30 sec cd aaaaaaaah. >_<) Was just silly to top the heal meters in more than half of the bgs we entered. Additionally, my UI really, really doesn't like raid groups of more than 20; AV was fun when half of my buttons were covered with raidframes. But...I got it done, and only once did I complete an objective without having the orphan out. This is a substantial improvement from the last time I did that pain in the ass achievement, though I have to give most of the credit to the minipet-resummons-itself-when-you-die thing they implemented. No glaives from BT, boo, but I think dkz and suity were happy I got such a big group together to help them (only fair, after dkz helped me pass through the mouth of hell itself).
Aaaaand...oh yes, spent all of Sunday doing Archaeology on my paladin, since we did all bosses except Council/endbosses on Saturday and I figured (correctly) with it being Mother's Day there probably would be less availability. I like one day of raiding XD We need to get better at the ones we don't have on farm (and go faster on the ones we do) so that we can go back to a single day to clear like we had in Wrath. But yeah, Sunday was BT and Archaeology day for the guild it seems, almost everyone who was on was diggying holes. :p And...it's really not as soul-sucking as I was led to believe. Yeah, it's tedious to have to fly across the map (need to make better use of "remembering I have a damn hearthstone instead of flying from STV to EPL") but for the most part I can hop on a flight path and go off to clean or alt-tab and read webcomics or something. Paying $12/month to NOT play a game, such a deviously successful business model.