(no subject)

Apr 24, 2006 01:27

It really has been a long time since my last update.
The last few weeks have been very busy. As a result I had no time / energy left to update this journal. or to read yours. So I'm really behind on what's been happening in all your lives. And I'm not even trying to catch up, because I already know I will fail at it.

The Ardennes were great! The week was very exhausting (8.00 o'clock we had to be in the vans, and sometimes we were still busy with a practical about stones or a report at 10 in the evening), but absolutely worth wile.
The first two days the teachers showed us all kind of different landscapes. They knew beautiful places, and had a lot of interesting things to say.
Wednesday and Thursday we had groups of about 4 students, and we had to do a research in our 'own' area. That was really fun. Sometimes we wanted to follow a brook from the spring till the end. To do so we had to climb over quite some fences and barbed wire. We also had to neglect some signs saying 'interdit' (forbidden). Everything for science ;)
On (Good) Friday we had to do a presentation about our area, and listen to other peoples presentation. You had to do your presentation in the field, so everybody had looked for the most beautiful spot in their area.
After the presentation we went back to Wageningen.

Marcel had worked on the boat that Friday, and would also do so on Saturday. So he was still in Wageningen. I went to see him Friday evening, but I don't thing I was good company. I almost fell asleep on the couch, because I was so exhausted after five days of field practical. The next morning we would finish some last things of the sailing boat, and the idea was to go for a 'test-ride' afterwards. Unfortunately the polyester the had applied the previous day was still wet. It was on an pretty essential part of the boat, so we couldn't go sailing. I was really looking forward to it, but alas. That's just the way it is.

Sunday (1st day of Easter) Marcel and I went to the dunes by bike. My parents liked to know where I was going, so I told them about me and Marcel (they didn't know yet). My mum really got all over exited, but after that they didn't tease me with it anymore. I'm very grateful for that.
It was great in the dunes. It was the first warm day this spring. My coat could stay off most of the time. I kind of felt like a tourist in my own region, because I had never been there by bike before. When we got to the dunes we first cycled a bit. Then we had hot chocolate at some place that looked like it could fall to pieces any time. After that we continued by foot. Marcel knew all this little tracks just beside the main routes. So even though there were quite some tourists, we hardly saw any of them.

That evening I also had to tell my sister about Marcel, and she hasn't stop teasing ever since.

Last week was a week for self-study. I almost had forgotten we had an excursion on Thursday. The excursion went to the 'Haringvlietsluizen', which are a part of the Deltaworks. The day could have been very interesting, but it didn't meet my expectations. It was organized by the university, so I had expected a academical approach. Instead they showed us the same they show every tourist. As a tourist it would have been a great day. But as a student with too little time to prepare for the coming exams I had rather spent the time studying.
Because of Easter-Monday and the excursion this self-study week has been extremely short. Friday I couldn't keep my attention to the subject I was studying (it is a very boring subject, and I also found being in love makes it harder to study) so I decided to go home early.

This weekend the Batavierenrace took place. It is a relay-run for all students in the Netherlands. I don't run, so I didn't join, but a lot of people I know did join. Marcel even ran for two teams. The official university team, and the team of Pyrus.
With the university team he reached the first place. They won! First of 13, so that is pretty good.
The Pyrus-team reached the 33th place. There was a total of approximately 310 teams, what means Pyrus also was really good!

Saturday I went to see Ice age 2 with my parents and my sister. I liked the first part better, but this film was still great.

This evening my sister brought me back to Wageningen by car. From here she had to drive to her own school, but she is terrible at driving routes she doesn't know. After about an hour she called that she hadn't found the right highway (just tell me, HOW can you miss a highway that you have to cross to get where she finally was), and was now driving in an entirely wrong direction. When she knew where she was she decided to call the brother of her ex-boyfriend to ask if she could spent the night there. It was already to late to drive to her own flat. That would close at 22.30 o' clock, and she would never make it on time.
Marcel also was here this evening, but because of the Bata, he had only slept for six hours this weekend. He went home quite early to catch some sleep.
I also intended to go to sleep in time, so I would be awake to study all day tomorrow. But writing an update after a long absence always takes me too long. There are to much things I want to tell.
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