00:38:50: Julie Andrews is the most unconvincing man ever, but still *ridiculously* hot in the attempt ^_^ #VictorVictoria
Though I do wish they'd kept King's "I don't care if you're a man or a woman" bit WITHOUT him already knowing Victoria was a woman..
Yeah okay, butch!Julie Andrews stalking predatorally toward Norma while undressing = super hot ^_^;
01:59:03: The kitty has learned that when I blow at the fur on her belly, she can stop the sensation by open-paw slapping me across the face.
19:18:46: Oh good, more racefail AND queerfail in a Hollywood adaptation [link] [Warning for some slut-shaming in article]
19:49:37: I've caught some sort of plague-like thing -_- Distracting myself with some (always fun) Victorian fashion research ♥♥♥♥♥
And BLESS THEIR HEARTS, there are images of Glen Keanne's character model sheets online. This makes my job so much easier.
@notrafficlights Rrrrrratigan~ Came with lotsa helpful guides on how to draw his weird head and weird broad body. I'd still like to find some for Basil, but he doesn't look nearly as difficult to figure out.
00:37:57: @ thelindsayellis Frollo--most villains don't think they're BAD, but even fewer have authority & blind belief that their actions are virtuous. ..actually I guess that just makes Frollo interesting, not necessarily evil. Though genocide, child abuse, and attempted rape do strike me as evil anyway.
15:41:05: Kitty waited until she was perched securely on my arm to unleash every poisonous little fart she'd been storing up in her body.
23:29:22: Guys, I know we've talked about vacations together; let's never rent a shitty cabin in the woods with no reception, k? (Watching The Ring again.)