My thoughts on Twilight:
The trailer for the new Harry Potter movie looks fucking amazing.
I maintain that Edward sparkled just enough in this movie. He looked like someone took a sandblaster to him, only it was full of gold dust. I can't believe the words, "the skin of a killer," were actually uttered. Actually I can't believe a great many lines that were spoken in this film.
I COULD NOT stop laughing every time Edward's father appeared onscreen, at least for the first 5 minutes. I very narrowly avoided a real spit-take (onto the seat in front of me) the moment his pasty, mannequin-blond ass swept through the hospital doors. I can't properly put into words what exactly put me off so much about his appearance, but it had something to do with him looking like a handsome, clean-cut and very gregarious wax figure. Also, Forks doesn't care about black people.
Bella actually deigned to speak with her lowly, commonfolk classmates. Huh.
If what I've been hearing is correct then I have ample reason to dislike Jacob, or will in future installments, but DAMN. That boy's a cutie. (And sixteen years old, I just found out. God I feel like such a pervert.) Also,
ryuutchi observed that although his father is wheelchair-bound, he still drove their car around. I'm left to conclude that Jacob's father is just too lazy to use his legs to support his weight walking.
The scene with the microscopes and the slide identification and the staring and staring and the staring went on forever. FOREVER. I got anxious and then squirmy and finally could take no more and hid my head underneath my jacket until scene change. It was JUST THAT TEDIOUSLY BORING.
As for the depiction of the actual romance... I suppose the image that sticks out most clearly for me was this scene where Edward plays a song for Bella on the piano, and she just kind of sits there dully, blank faced and utterly entranced by what he's doing. It seemed like the clearest visual metaphor for their "romance".
I'm going to commend RPattz on his excellent portrayal of a creepy, obsessed stalker with perpetual boy!vamp-PMS who is FOR SERIOUS actually kind of adorable in his complete inability to not fail at life. I mean, the day after he and Bella make out for the first time, he's all strutting it up at school with his bad-boy shades (*sporfles*) because he's just SO EXCITED THAT HE'S FINALLY ACTUALLY DATING A GIRL OH MY GOODNESS :D
Alice Cullen > this whole movie
But of course, when it comes to snark and meta,
cleolinda's all over that shit and a frillion times funnier than anything, uh.. ever. So
hop to.