Yesterday I went to drawing class (and subsequently traipsed around downtown San Jose) as
Epic Fail Guy--covered every inch of skin and my hair under black; no hat or cloak or anything--still got mistaken for V. *facepalm*
I also, for added essence of fail, did up my face as
"Carved B" for when I couldn't wear the mask (
In case you've been living under a rock). Except my teacher Sheldon was the only one who seemed to understand the reference (after first reacting with: *frown* "Do you have a black eye?"). And later, when
rodolphe, and I went to Rosie's NY Pizza for their Halloween dinner special, I noticed people looking kind of.. pityingly at me when my eyes met theirs. Then the women at the counter just asked me if my (BACKWARDS!!) "B" stood for "beautiful".
So basically, I just walked around looking like a battered woman.
Fucking great.
The epic fail was, at least, in keeping with my initial EFG concept, so that's.. something. Also,
burg3r was the best Frankenfurter since Tim Curry and looks amazing in heels.