Well, in spite of my continued grievances about things and stuff, I think the storylines on this one were some of the more solid this season has seen yet! Even though I got into the series more for the characters than for the story anyway..
Hiro, Ando, and Utsutu
So, I wasn't putting actually killing Ando past the writers, but I'm glad it didn't take. They seemed right in this episode (silly, but not completely incompetent)! Yay for some characterizations not getting the S3 shaft!
'Course, having mentioned competence....Hiro can stop and reverse a bullet shot from about a yard away from his head, but he's no match for a shovel? That he sees braining him beforehand in large illustrations? Twice?
I love that Hiro called Utsutu "アフリカン!イサアック" That's too precious. And meta. Aaaand still, African!Isaac is more
Magical Negro than every Magical Negro ever.
Sylar and Peter
The complete 180 in Sylar's characterization is giving me whiplash. Uh, in a spiral.. arc or.. something. I fail geometry. ANYWAY. I do, on the other hand, really like how he's latched onto Mama Petrelli. Which makes sense--she's less frail!creepy than his other mom when she molests him, she's fancy, she's clearly made him her new favorite son, and she packs him nummy apples in his lunch.
But seriously, I loathe the idea of Sylar as just a misunderstood genius. I like him twisted and obsessed with his evolutionary ascension and murderously inclined if really necessary and maybe a bit of a mama's boy deep down inside. We saw hints of him believing that this Sylar business was just thrust upon him and ultimately out of his control. But the real appeal was in Gabriel being so thoroughly twisted from growing up with such stifling expectations that those ambitions of specialness became his own, and that only he would justify it as being something he couldn't help... with an alter ego. Because wow, creepy awesome. This whole actually turning-over-a-new-leaf business is boring and exasperating the crap out of me. Much like my feelings about House: I like watching the character's occasional inner torment, but don't actually want him to be fixed -_-
Meanwhile, the other side of this once diametric duo, Peter. Still inexplicably a dick. Now a completely depowered inexplicabl- actually, if The Hunger made him all dickish in the first place--since, as we now know, The Hunger is responsible for everything gone wrong in Sylar ever *eyeroll*--then Peter's probably fine now. Wow. Thank you evil Papa Petrelli, I guess.
On the downside, now he's useless. I mean, at least with the other non-powered individuals going toe to toe with specials, Bennet had his Company training and ruthlessness, or Mohinder had his ridiculous brilliance and resourcefulness (and really, Sylar's apparent unwillingness to kill him). Unless Peter's foes in Pinehurst need a serious nursing or are likely to be incapacitated by the hot-shirtless-and-confused look he patented back in S2, he's pretty much not good for much now.
On a lighter note, I'd like to extend a congratulations to the Sylar/Peter fans for this episode, as I'm sure they're fapping themselves into oblivion right now.
Stop it. You stop it, now.
I get why Mohinder would need Pinehearst now, but I really don't see why he's of any use to them. Daphne even said, "The thing you're trying to do, they've already done." Okay. Mohinder would love to find out how to give non-specials abilities (presumably without the terrible drawbacks), and possibly how to take abilities away (like he was back in S1, and like he was supposed to be doing for Maya. Who is in a cocoon.) We know Pinehearst is already capable of the former, and has been for some time. And really, they technically have the means of taking abilities away from specials as well, in Arthur. So.. I don't know, could they just want to keep Mohinder and his budding research out of Company hands? Um, moreso? Because I'm not even buying the idea of them needing his contacts/data. Maaaybe research, but only if they have reason to believe Mohinder's onto something they aren't. Which.. seems doubtful.
Actually, is Mohinder even still on the Company payroll? I wouldn't have thought so, what with his employer and presumably his one support in the Company, Bob, dispatched.
raane did point out that he was still using his Isaac-apartment!lab though, which we can only assume is still Company property. So either he is and no one pays any attention to him (because, well, Bob's gone) or he isn't and.. no one pays any attention to the old lab.
And I want to know what he's doing with all these bodies he's drugging and storing! Is he using them as test subjects? Is he using them as incubators for a new breed of baby Moroaches? Is he using them to complement the ambient mood lighting? Is he using them as building blocks in his nest? Is he eating them? Is he fucking them? Is he planning an underwater exhibit of human body works of art and he's going to tie their feet to cinder blocks and dress their corpses up in couture and float them in a large tank for viewing WHAT IS HE DOING??
Eeehhhn, the buggy plates are shifting outward to his limbs now. Don't take his face, buggy plates, his beautiful face! It's all we he has left!! D:
Anyway, according to
this, Mohinder may be seeing a lot of Sylar later this season, so in spite of all signs not to be, I'm sort of hopeful for the both of them. Maybe seeing Sylar will prompt Mohinder into realizing what he's becoming, and put a stop to the dangerous and immoral path he's wandered down. And maybe seeing Mohinder will prompt Sylar to pick him up and put him on his dick. We'll see.
Tracy and Nathan
Okay, Tracy's kind of slowly making me like her.
And she accomplished this by taking advantage of Mohinder's (somehow weirdly intact) naiveté and hurting him.
Nathan: Responding to the call of previous episodes, we've seen the return of his chest. I mean, pretty clearly just for fanservice too--there was no practical reason for his shirt to be open. I guess Mohinder figured that if even he was getting too gross to go shirtless, and Peter was going to be busy being a (shirt-wearing) jerk, then someone in this episode was going to have to pick up the slack.
Angela and Arthur Petrelli
Was it ever properly explained what the particulars of Arthur's powers were? So far, I've seen that he can leech the powers right out of a special (draining Peter and killing Adam) and render someone immobile via their dreams. I'm not seeing the common link here.
UNLESS he drained Angela of her ability while she was dream-walking or whatever you'd call her ability, which mentally trapped her inside her dream. And that... makes her unable to move IRL and eventually fall into a coma. Yeah, never mind, not seeing it. Riiiiiiiight, Maury.
Really, Mama Petrelli? You dicked around with your kids and the authorities for the LULZ of pretending you needed to shoplift (I refuse to believe that was a genuine coping mechanism for her) grieving for this douche?
Matt and Daphne
Matt is adorkable and newly tanned burninated and HE BROUGHT THE MAGICAL TURTLE WITH HIM XD Even though that's pretty much Utsutu's only friend. I hope it and Mohinder the Lizard (not Mohinder, the- you know) can be BFFs.
Daphne seemed to be less of a bobblehead this episode. I'm growing increasingly tolerant of her. Correlation?
Fire Mama and the Bennets
Ooh, and that should be their traveling villain-capture squad/band name!
Sandra being all crafty in this episode (I mean, as much as could be expected from a total civilian) made me so happy. And she was determined that Claire take that bullet, lol. Well, Claire was determined and Sandra could respond to that. So really, I kind of hope this family takes this act on the road and rounds up the other villains to take back to Level 5. NOT SO ANTI-COMPANY NOW, ARE YOU BENNET?
Adam Monroe
I thought I'd never get attached to him after his boring-ass arc in Japan with Hiro and Yaeko (names of my Dad and his niece, I just realized..) but he really grew on me since then and now I'm bummed! So.. well crap! NOW where do we go for our sort of evil sexy guy with fake English accent fix?? Oh right. Rhymes with Bohinder. *sigh*