Damn it
series, you look really really spiffy with very striking designs and art direction--it kind of calls to mind The Thief and the Cobbler actually--and you totally have Takahiro Sakurai doing voicework, but I CAN'T KEEP WATCHING if you're going to pull shit like the SPOOKY CHILDREN on me T_____T Spooky unborn children.
I'm still sound mixing for my audio reading of
shrift's Authority fic. I only wonder how long it'll take me before the deadline to decide the BGM stuff is a crappy idea, and just go and read it straight through like a normal person...? (ARRGH why did I volunteer in the first place? I HATE the way my voice sounds on recording devices -_-)
Also: Black Friday = so overrated. It was like a ghost town in Cupertino and like a frenzy of sharks over chum in.. everywhere else. But I grabbed some new Skullcandy earbuds, blank cards--cuz I'm going to do the holiday card thing this year if it kills me--a CD holder for the car, new dress shirt, and grabbed the 2-disc sets of Hairspray and Bay's Transformers and got to enjoy them with
raane and
rodolphe over leftover!turkey soup, so the day wasn't a total bust by any means ^_^