God, Deathly Hallows is going to make me so emo, isn't it? -- Also, HAIRSPRAY

Aug 06, 2007 18:21

First, I have for you the Hairspray 2007 Movie Soundtrack--take it. It will make you happy.
>> Download Hairspray Movie OST

"Can't Stop the Beat" is my new Feel Good song, which I play in the mornings to get me fired up and ready to head off for class. I've never had to physically restrain myself from dancing before, the way I have to listening to Hairspray XD

Goinked from saucy dreamboat admiral_chowder:


So it's officially an ongoing feud between me and my mother. I'll have Deathly Hallows tucked away next to me to read a few chapters of in bed, and at some point in the morning or whenever I'm not in my room, my mom sneaks in and steals it to read on her own somewhere else in the house. And then I have to find it, and steal it back. Rinse and repeat. And it sounds like whichever one of us is reading it, kitty likes to crawl onto our lap and sprawl out over the pages so we can't read until we pay attention to her XD

I think just skimming through youTube spoiled a key bit in DH for me. And usually, I don't care about spoilers--I'm a lot more like the Japanese than most westerners seem to be about spoilers, in that it's not what happens, it's how it happens (that's why anime 'next episode' previews give away key stuff all the time, like GOKU DIES) that's important to me. Case in point: HBP. I knew the THING was going to happen, but I didn't mind being privvy to the information because I was more interested in how it would happen, what the circumstances were, how the characters were affected by it. But DH? I can't explain it, but I'm trying really, really hard not to get spoiled. If I see Harry Potter mentioned on my flist I scream and scroll past it.

I wouldn't at all consider myself particularly fanatical about the series either (nevermind that for the last week I've basically been binging on Snapefics the way I binge on soda--even when my saliva gets chunky and I can't even taste the sugar in the drinks anymore, I keep drinking can after can because it's fucking soda and it's there and it's so unhealthy and I love it). But yeah, pretty sure I got spoiled for something, and it was something I really assumed was going to happen anyway, but just that extra bit of inevitability makes me extra sadface T__T

And now there's totally a Sirius/Snape epicfic with my name on it, but.. I guess it is sort of finals week right now and I do sort of have a SHITSTORM FURY of work to do. *sigh*

music, film: harry potter

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