Because I had to be tempted away from schoolwork/Ycon preparations sometime--this one's for
jen-in-japan and her grrr tempting knight-in-shining-armor Batman in "Transformations". Sketched in the middle of boring-ass Intro to Art class, so um.. no reference. Obviously.
*cries* Damn armor. And damn all-black motif, anyway. *throttles Bats* Just a small splash of red for the tunic, would that have been so much to ask?? T__T Actually, the whatsit at his hips was going to be gold to invoke the idea of the utility belt on Bats' classic costume, but then his skirt looked all .. skirty. I couldn't actually remember how the groin on your standard suits of armor went. (I started in on fairytale!Kal too, but so help me, the tiara was just too fruity XD)