Aug 03, 2006 04:19


Good god, I just spent the last couple of hours going through feminist_fatale--I can't quite recall how I got there, I think the path had something to do with reading a review of POTC:DMC on feministfilm which, honestly, I found to be reaaaally reaching and on the entire thread, found one user whose comments I agreed with and who seemed intelligent and.. point is, said user was in feminist_fatale which I decided to check out because the name intrigued me and- BOY is a lot of this completely irrelevant. It's 4am and I'm wiped. Anyway.

So I checked out a few posts on the afforemention community and HOLY SHIT! I don't know if, by definition, a troll is a troll if he/she continues to post to a community, but geniusdreams has been up and down it enough that I can't help but conclude that he's being serious. It seemed so implausible at first, too. If you've the time and the head for wank (since F_W seems to have slowed a bit from the epidemic of gay wank in the last week, finally), I highly recommend it.

Just a little bit of comedy gold here, via the darling and ever-so pretty geniusdreams:

Females control sexual selection (standard biological knowledge), and they've used that to turn us males into something they don't even like.

A dog breeder who is responsible for making the shepherd dog breed or even a rottweiler breed out of what it used to be, would not blame and hate the breed he's created, right? Even the guys insane enough to create the rottweiler race of dogs would be proud of them, and just be blind to the animal's flaws.

But women hate us. They think we are much less attractive than them, deserving of scorn for everything, think we are unemotional or violent or whatever. And YOU are the ones who made us this way?

How fucked up is that? To have made us a certain way and then hate us for being how you made us???

Really, this just goes to show, there is no monster in reality or fantasy more twisted and fake than the average female. I can't imagine any crime worse than what females have commited on us males via sexual selection. Did I ask to look like a caveman? Do you think I like it? Sure I like being strong smart and having a deep voice, but I really did not ask to be a caveman. It's just so sick that you've done this to me. Females are pure evil. There is no crime worse than what females have done.

*giggles* So precious.

feminism, lol wank

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