Gay Christian Netwok

Aug 01, 2009 01:14

I found this website called Gay Christian Network. I am really confused now. Their saying that it's NOT a sin to be gay and other things. This takes me back to when I was in the closet... Their website is if anyone wants to check it out. All I know is I'm tired of going through this...

gay christian network

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cousinshelley August 2 2009, 03:33:00 UTC
Left behind, as in not being taken up to heavien in a rapture?

Okay, since you said not to worry about offending you . . . why do you believe that's even a possibility?

If you think that it's possible because you're gay (and most sects of Christianity will tell you that you're doomed because of it) then your only option to save yourself would be to suddenly not be gay. Is that possible?

So a wonderful god made you only to fry you in the end. Because if you truly believe the Bible, then everything is predestined anyway, and you have no free will, so he made you gay knowing that it would doom you.

Does that REALLY sound LIKELY to you? OF course not.

Religion and the bible are man-made things that are used to control people--nothing more.

If you want to believe in God, an imaginative creator, a benevolent force for creation, something like that, a force of nature, whatever, feel free. But please don't believe all the religious BS brainwashing that is used to control the masses and frighten them into some sort of submission. You're only a christian because of your geography. What would happen if you were born into a shinto home, or a Muslim home, or a BUddhist one? You wouldn't even know the stuff that is TERRIFYING you right now. You're only believing it because you've been told to. Same as with other religions.

It's just superstition. There is absolutely no evidence to prove otherwise. If you want some references on things to read that explain it far better than I have, let me know.

And yes, I'm an atheist, but I was a born-again Christian at one time, and I believed fervently. Then I start actually reading the bible and studying it intently. It all falls apart under scrutiny.


vejgeta9 August 2 2009, 03:43:53 UTC
I understand what you're saying... and at the same time understand what their saying. I just don't want the short end of the stick... And btw, I would never deny Jesus. I don't have that right. But suppose both of you are wrong... Then where does that leave me? And how do I turn my journal into friends only?


cousinshelley August 2 2009, 03:49:27 UTC
Just choose 'friends only' when you make each post.

I just don't want the short end of the stick...

THen really, just read some critical work on the subject of religion and christianity, and you'll realize that you're in no danger of getting the short end of the stick. ''

And btw, I would never deny Jesus. I don't have that right

You don't have that right? Why not?

If you don't want to, that's your choice. But by saying you don't have the right to make up your own mind, that's troubling.


vejgeta9 August 2 2009, 05:17:46 UTC
Because I think about the fact that He died for me, He didn't have to do that. So, no, I don't have the right to deny him.


vejgeta9 August 2 2009, 05:27:33 UTC
And I could have died in the hospital 2 yrs ago. But I didn't. He made sure of it. I've never been that close to death before. And I don't want to deny him. I can't make myself "suddenly str8". But I don't want to be left behind here either...


cousinshelley August 2 2009, 04:07:43 UTC
By the way, watch the videos at the gay christian site.

I think you'll feel better about things, because they debunk a lot of the current idea of how you shouldn't be gay.

They make a lot of sense (in fact, the arguments they use are often used by atheists, only they take them much further than the homosexuliaty issue).

Maybe it'll give you some peace. Especially the video about whether or not being gay is an abomination.


vejgeta9 August 2 2009, 05:29:58 UTC
And I have watched them all. Thats what got me so confused in the first place...


cousinshelley August 2 2009, 05:42:54 UTC
You're obviously a christian and you're going to remain a christian. So your only choice is to beleive that by being gay you're sinning and you're damned, or that god loves you as you are, and it doesn't matter that you're gay.

You have to pick one, since you can't suddenly become straight. I think the choice is pretty easy.

And the videos are right-nowhere in teh bible does it say that it's a sin to BE gay. It only mentions gay sex.And that's in Leviticus, where also shrimp and bunnies are evil, and vegetetable gardens, and working on the Sabbath (which I think might have been punishable by death?).

You can't pick and choose with the bible. If you believe it's a sin to have gay sex based on that passage, then it's a sin to grow two vegetables the same garden, too. The first video is a good explanation of why that's all no longer valid to many christians, because in the new testament they're told that it's no longer valid. The law is gone and now you're in grace, where you can do whatever you want essentially, and as long as you're saved, you're saved.

So you must choose between being a gay man who belives that a gay relationship is okay in the eyes of god, or that you should be celibate because it's not okay, along with vegetable gardens and shirts that are made of two different kinds of fabrics.

Common sense, you know?

Anyway, if you believe in the bible, then you surely believe that God made the the other animals besides man, too. And same-sex mating and coupling goes on ALL THE TIME in nature. It's common.

The new testament is all about jesus anyway, and whether you believe he's the real son of god or not, he never once said anything about homosexuality. His message was to love they neighbor, not just thy straight neighbor or thy gay neighbor who hates himself and is therefore celibate.


vejgeta9 August 2 2009, 05:51:33 UTC
Ok so you're right. I guess I'm just scared and have been thinking too much about my own circumstances... I'm a christian and will always be one...I only hope that God really doesn't care about me being gay or can at least forgive me.


cousinshelley August 2 2009, 06:02:25 UTC
I only hope that God really doesn't care about me being gay or can at least forgive me

Dear, you obviously believe he made you--so he obviously me MADE you gay. What's to forgive?

I think you should look into the Gay Christian Network a a little more and really listen to what they're saying. Their explanations about scripture are good ones.

But don't get hung up on the side A, side B thing. The ones who are celibate because they believe gay sex is a sin--I'll bet they were clothes made from two fabrics and have no problem with bunnies or vegetable gardens!

Even when I was a devout Christian, it was obvious to me that being gay was NOT a sin.

Look at the preachers and televangelists who talk about how awful both adultery and being queer are, adn then get caught committing adultery with men, because they're obviously gay and living lies. Do you really think they believe what they're sayign and just risk their souls to have a little gay sex? None admit it out of the blue,it's only once their caught that they come crying talking about what a sinner they are.

If they really believed they were doing something so horrible in the face of god, don't you think some might just surprise their congregations one day in a fit of conscience, BEFORE the pictures go public. :P


vejgeta9 August 2 2009, 07:46:33 UTC
I wish someone would tell my mother this, and my aunt too...


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