For once, the Lycan was human. And that upset her- she was growing quite fond of her fluffy form, but nevertheless she had found herself dressed in slick, sexy clothing, in a cafe that could only exist in NY: The Sneaky Shrew. The food was good, and if she was on the top of her game tonight, it would be easy to charm the waiter into giving her the
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Because nothing was her fault. "I didn't ruin your fun. I am the fun." Maybe that had been a little too outgoing, too fresh, too keen. But Valentine didn't care. She wanted to know this man and with an eyebrow raised and slight lean to the left, she stood in front of him, awaiting his answer and response to her.
She knew soon he would swagger and need help home- but he would never admit to that. She could at least stick around until then, for the hell of it, even if she doubted he would give into temptation. "And I don't think trailing off on a question counts as talking, and if I'm mistaken, let me know." That same cocky smirk he knew how to give her she reflected back at him, all too much enjoying this.
Eyes. Bad Idea.
Curtus could feel his, desire for lack of a better word rising as she continued to stare him down.
Question, questions. All he had was questions for her. Thats all she seemed to have for him!
"Fucked if I know what you'd do or what kind of woman you are." Letting go of the wall he staggered to the side, brushing her shoulder with his as he started to walk down the street, well amble really, taking in her sweet scent as he was so close.
"Maybe kitten you are the fun! Maybe all this talk and shit is just to keep you around, your smell, those fucking eyes..."
You're drunk Curt. Quite drunk and you're getting no where.
"Maybe you're not. Maybe I was sitting in that bar looking for a quick fuck and a cheap lay. And here you come around with your talk, your touching and that fucking dress that just screams 'I'm too fucking good for you.' "
Curtus was full of it. Hell he didn't know what he was saying and he wouldn't stay around long either. Maybe because he didn't care? Maybe because he knew he didn't have half the chance he wished he did. Perhaps Valentine was just leading him on.
Spinning around he seemed to have a revelation.
"Questions count. Like this one. Why Kitten, oh why do you bother with your flirting and your teasing? Planning to put out or is this some fucking game?" Labido and booze were never Curtus's most intelligent aspects but damn did it feel good to say what was on his mind.
The consequences however... well that was a different story.
She wasn't lying. She was teasing. But her teasing always lead somewhere. "And damn straight I'm too good. I'm too good for a lot of things. And I know it. But you know what? I choose that. I make that decision handsome, and this time maybe I've changed my mind about if you're worth it or not."
She took a few cautious steps backwards, her arms over her chest and a slick look on her face. She was almost afraid to talk to him in this state, but she wanted it. She wanted him. "I'm a flirt. I'm a tease. That's why I bother with it. And games that lead nowhere aren't in my dictionary." She reached out to put a hand on him, but she took it back with a slight growl, cursing her forgetfulness.
Instead, she went to his side, walking at his pace. "Look, let me keep you company at least. I'd rather they not find you again and shove you in a kennel because you changed. I like mu fur coat in one peice, thank you." Sure, it was an excuse. But it registered in her mind as a good one.
One more comment, and though she had a suspecion it might...well....send him through the roof, she stated it quietly anyways. "Don't doubt me so much...because guess what. What you see is what you get with me."
But he didn't.
He should have.
Hell he would have.
IF it wasn't her.
"fucking women." He let it slip his lips, a thought supposed to be most ineternal but what did it matter now.
Why wasn't I going to kiss her?
Curtus grabbed Valentine's wrist and roughly pushed her against the wall, his strength that much more then hers. His body then followed, pressing against her as he pinned both her hands against the wall.
"Doubt me. Doubt everything I say because I have no fucking clue what I'm going to do." He whispered in her ear, growled more like before pressing his lips hard into Valentines, the feel of her skin intoxicating and forcing out a low growl in his throat.
"fucking...doubt you?" Valentine didn't really have time to respond. All she felt was the pressure on her wrist, her back against the cold, brick wall, and warm lips press against hers.
She hadn't ever...kissed someone before. She had always avoided kissing- it was too personal, too much, too...too emotional and unlike her. And she didn't know if she liked it, but Valentine was one that went with the flow and didn't complain, especially when a man was showing interest.
But this time it didn' didn't register that way, and she pulled herself back from him, her eyes looking up and down his face, her hands around his neck and locked behind it, but it didn't stop her slight shiver from what had just happened...not to mention it was cold. It had been harsh and hard, just what she had expected from the male...just not what she wanted.
But what she wanted was like trying to force an elephant out of a chicken, so she smirked. "What the hell was that for?"
"To prove you don't want a damn thing to do with me." He'd felt that shiver, how could he not? It proved that he was right but that didn't make Curtus happy.
Letting go of her he moved to the side and stared at the ground. What was wrong with him??
"...women. You're no good." He added with a smirk. Curtus had to admit he wanted nothing more then to just hold her.
Like before...
"Why don't you find me when you know what you want. Maybe then you'll believe me." Looking up he met her eyes for a moment and they were strangely kinder.
She's not her... but damn...
And then he walked away. Down the street, thinking of Valentine as her scent still swirled in his head.
This wasn't supposed to happen, but his statement had struck a certain...feeling within her. "No, I'm no good. You're're absolutely right."
The rest of the words she let slide past her, only letting them stop so to comphrehend them. She slid to the bottom of the wall, only with the simple statement of "I want you."
As soon as her eyes looked up, he had gone, and though she debated getting up and following, she didn't. She couldn't bother...why would she bother?...
because I want him.
Women and me don't work. He told himself running a hand through his short hear.
But fuck did he want her.
And Valentine's words echoed, I want you, I want you... over and over again. It was like a soothing chant that refused to let his smile fade.
But it died with her yell. Curtus couldn't stay around. Hell yes he wanted to screw her but that wasn't it. It scared the crap out of him that he didn't think he could kill her.
Valentine wasn't some fuckable toss away girl.
She wasn't expendable and that scared the crap out of Curtus. The living daylights out of him...
"I want you too." He whispered to himself lifting the cover of the sewer top and sliding it to the side and jumped down into the sewers.
She had heard it very clearly and she wasn't going to let him get away. She could already feel the fur floofing out of her back, her ears becoming sharper and she quickly stripped her clothes- she liked the dress, but it left her naked though the fur quickly fixed that.
As her tail was finishing it's growth, her nose hit the ground as her feet padded slightly the way Curtus has shot. Now she could smell him, now she would find him because this conversation wasn't finished. Not nearly, not now. It couldn't be.
She wouldn't let it be, and Val had a horrible habit of holding onto things she shouldn't hold on to. The whole time the thoughts went through her mind- the "I know he's not good" and the "he's one hell of a man." but also the "God, is his mindblowing."
Her nose lead her straight to the sewer, and if she could have looked disgusted, she would have. How gross! Who would go down there? It could get her coat wet!
But it was him. In her mind, she had no choice, and with a slight whine she hopped down gracefully, her nose pressing itself to the ground as soon as her claws clicked against solid ground. "Now I just have to find you."
The smell was rancid, and it made Valentine want to turn around and forget about it.
It wasn't her style.
What did he care? It was clothing. Uncomfortable annoying clothing.
Padding along slowly her was making his way along the dry patches of ledge in the sewer. He hated the smell but it was one place humans stayed clear of.
It didn't take him long to reach a stretch of the water system no longer sewage. He stopped and looked back. Curtus could have sworn he could still smell her.
"Just my memory." He grunted growling slightly as she continued down the path until there was a door. Chaning into his human form he stood there rather naked as his went to open it.
The door was locked.
"You've got to be kidding me." he banged his head against the door, naked frame resting against it with his weight. He was frustrated.
Blushing quite a lot if she was in her human form. She couldn't do much more than sit, her tail wagging, and stare at the naked man.
Her eyes glowed as they looked at the door, which she figured he was trying to get in. Oh, she knew how to open it. And she would in due time. "So, what makes you think you can whoosh off like that? Does it look like I'd accept it?" It was in a series of growls, really, but she was sure he could understand her- as long as he was paying attention. It was merely a translation, just like with all dogs, and damn if she couldn't help being polite as she twirled around, pretending to chase her tail until her furry, blackish back was facing Curtus.
"Sorry. I hadn't meant to walk in on you like this, but I do have to say it's a nice surprise..."
A smile was on his face.
"I guess that was stupid of me to think you'd stay out of the sewers." He laughed and shook his head.
"And I'm not bashfull so don't feel sorry." He quickly turned into his dog form. Translation was enough, he lived entirely with lycans but he prefered to be beast among beast. When you mixed beast with man it was never a nice outcome.
Padding up to Valentine he walked around until he was facing her. And there he sat, satring her in the eyes.
"Why do you persist?" He growled, his nose nearly touching hers.
"Why wouldn't I persist?" She sighed deeply, her eyes refusing to blink as she stared at him. Good...she was getting under his skin and that could do nothing else but please her. "I could tell you the truth, but I'm thinking I'd get the same reaction from you like I did when I touched your face at that restaraunt. Because you're just that kinda wolf and I don't mind, I'll just avoid doing it."
She had some sort of speech planned, but she kept it quiet. She kept the conversation light- deep things were hard for the creature to deal with, though she was sre she was going to have to sooner or later.
Though she thought she would have been scared tonight, for some reason her muscles began to relax and her nose drifted an inche closer to his own. "If I did what I wanted to do right now I think you'd slink away. So I'll stop from doing that, too."
Frankly Curtus would have rather been in the watermain rather then the sewers, cleaner, lighter but he coudln't bring himself to turn away. He wanted Valentine to push him past that stupid barrier. He wanted her to do what he feared she would, what he feared he would like.
"Go ahead kitten and try me." He added with a smirk, lowering his snout and bringing his eyes closer to hers. "But say it to my face. Not this one." his snout brushed hers lightly as he pulled to the side and walked back towards the door.
"And preferably in a cleaner environment. I'm not a fan of sewers."
And it made her growl playfully as her tail flicked the switch on the door and it clicked- her paw pulled the lever out from there and she slid her slim frame through the opening she had formed recklessly- she had no idea what was in there and nor did she care to be cautious about it. Afterall, Curtus had wanted to get in there in the first place.
"I'll try you, handsome. I will, once I figure out what I'm doing, where I am, and why you're not following me yet." Her snout poked out the door and sniffed before her whole face peeked around from behind it, a thud like sound being caused from something that hit the door every couple seconds. Her tail, of course, being itself as it happily swished back and forth. "Coming? You do have to lead the way.."
He knew where he was well enough, Curtus lived here. It was his home for at least thel ast 10 years.
God I'm getting old.
"This way." He said without responding to her first bit. He was more concerned with finding some clothes. She did make him feel rather exposed.
As they walked through the black hall Curtus found another door. This one had a higher switch so, in stride he changed forms and stood to walk towards the door and flip the switch. It clicked anda few levers seemed to move in the walls until the door slid open, enough space for a lycan to crawl beneath in their wolf form.
Flipping back he was getting tired of changeing. This way was always annoying but served the purpose as he crouched beneath and under the doorway into the lit hallway.
Two Lycan's stood the entrance in their human form.
"Weapons down. She's mine." He growled to the men and they promply agreed as Curtus strode a few steps infront and waited for Valentine, the men watching with anticipation to see the 'boss' new playmate.
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