Jun 19, 2007 18:52
Okay, I have completely neglected this journal for some time, for good reason. I am currently finishing pre-requisites for a nursing program which has been quite demanding. Here are the recent updates in order briefly, all of them I hope to talk about at length when I am not studying for finals.
1. Worked with 5 models. Some green, some not so green...not keen on the work with 1 of them.
2. Nice model contacts me, nice model becomes a nut-case, nut-case gets banned. Horrible recommendation by another model. WTF.
3. Put up a message letting models know I am on hiatus and then I get contacted to work with one. She wanted to shoot the day after my classes ended. Had to decline because my hiatus end date was an estimate. Would have really liked to work with her but I hate to cancel; unfortunately the possibility existed that I might have to.
4. Got an invite to a Haunted Mansion-ish shoot in Ohio. Not actively scheduling because I was studying my ass off. Got contacted by 3 models , 2 of which I am sure can bring IT. Very happy and flattered as these 3 are the ones I felt would be the strongest. (there are two more but I am still not actively scheduling; one is mentioned below #6)
5. Bought a digital camera (Canon Eos 20D) on ebay. Should be here before the weekend. Will sell if I do not like. My hope, it forces me out of my, "get it right at the time of the shot," attitude into learning some much needed post production skills.
6. Today I get contacted by one of the few models who intimidates me as a photographer. All men at some point or another can become sheepish and deferring around the right lady, very rarely does this happen to me; as a photographer it is rarer still. However this lady just brings IT consistently. Very flattered someone with her skill set actually not only looked at my profile but contacted me. We are setting up plans to shoot.
(I was worried some what as to how the newer work from the tale end of last year would be received. I have heard good and bad. The good for me, outweighs the bad. When models who you think can kick other model's asses give you the nod or contact you out the blue, you might be a redneck Jeb.)
7. Hiatus ends next week. I have a weekend shoot scheduled with a lady from work who saw some shots I'd taken lying on my desk. She seems About It, let's see if she can bring it and let's hope she does not kill IT before it starts, dig? Sunday morning, she and I against the town.
8. Started planning things for a shoot with Pale, night work. Back at it again.
P.S. If you are a Michigan/other model that contacted me about a shoot, get off the stick already and set something up. Either you are about it, or you aren't. I like About it people. After all they are the only people who you can create something with.