
Mar 10, 2012 01:50

I've decided to make the change back to LiveJournal, at least for a little while. My other blogs are...inadequate. Really, it's my readership that is currently inadequate. It's not the number I have a problem with, it's that the two or three that are there are less open-minded than I need. Lovely people, to be certain, but...well, let's say history is getting in my way and leave it at that.

I find LJ's free illustrated themes to be underwhelming. As a result, I find myself with a decidedly gothic-looking journal. It is a place to begin, however, and that is more the point! One of these days, I shall learn to make such things for myself (you know, if my copious free time). I also need to relearn the ins and outs of using LJ, down to the style codings. Perhaps simply using it more will help me remember. (Success! Did you see my italicizing? ...Italicization? Italicilation? My slanty-ways word? Hooray!) Bear with me.

This particular space (however currently gothic) shall be my space for reinvention. I've done so very much self-discovery and change-making in my "real" life, I feel I need to also do the same for my virtual self. One of these days, I will (eee! Slanty!) need to present myself in a manner conducive to readership appreciation. Therefore, I must find an online persona that is professional as well as characteristic of me. Trial and error, here we be!

"VeilofGrace" shall also be my central place, the point from which I blog everything else. My thinky space. My space to be me, create and recreate, and venture forth to new endeavors. Here, I have no readers (yet), and that means I have no preconceived expectations. (How freeing that is!) I will be using the handle of "Grace" here, though that isn't my real name. It's more the label I placed on the set of qualities and characteristics I wished to possess, way back when I created the journal in the first place. (The actual object, "Veil of Grace," refers to something in a story I intended to write for an online roleplay, but never got around to actually writing. I no longer remember the story, but I do remember the sense of character it evoked. And that beyond the veil lay the land of dreams, where anything was possible, hence the original title. Thankfully, I have long since learned to jot down a few notes on the really good story ideas...)

No doubt I will reference a variety of my other blogs, perhaps occasionally with actual links to posts. I have a few on Blogger, a few on Wordpress. I'm toying with starting one on Tumblr, just to try it out. I also have a Twitter feed, though it is very cobweb-y most of the time. I also am in mental possession of several projects I want to try out. We'll have to see how those fly.

So, many fond greetings to LJville! It's nice to be back. :)

hello, good intentions, regen

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