Epic Fail!

Mar 02, 2012 00:42

Wow. I utterly failed at FebNoWriMo. I did really well the first day! Clocked in at something like 1300 words an hour. Unfortunately, then my husband brought a headcold of doom home from work for us to share. Just when I got to where I had a brain again, I was blessed to be able to attend my doula training workshop. It was an absolutely amazing weekend! But it was also absolutely exhausting. I think it took half a week to recover, at which point I had a ton of homework due. Once that was caught up, the husband flew to California to job hunt, leaving me with all the duties of a single mom going to school full time, studying to be a doula, and trying to jumpstart two careers at once. I didn't realize it was going to be that busy!! Obviously, or I wouldn't have jumped on board.

Disappointed in myself, though, despite having perfectly excellent excuses. I still had a variety of days to get writing in, and...er...okay. I danced instead. I...don't think I will apologize for that. I needed it. Haven't lost any weight, but oh! The muscle! My calves are looking much more toned, as does my abdomen, both of which are currently making me quite happy. So that, I think, is an acceptable trade-off. :)

I failed at FebNo, but I call this a month of winning at life!

life happens, writing, progress, challenge

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