A Step in the Right Direction

Jan 01, 2007 18:04

Spent a tricky holiday season with my family in Colorado, where I completely forgot about all the queries I'd sent out (including the agent R I received the day we left). It was a lovely reprieve, let me tell you!

And then I arrived home, and proceeded to become as sick as a dog. I did, however, remember to get the mail so the carrier had someplace to put new stuff.

In it, I found my handwriting. Crap, I thought. One rejection before I leave, one when I get home. Bah! (Though to be fair, we did have remarkable timing regarding the Colorado blizzards. Enough so that I really had no room to complain about anything...but hey. I was sick!)

I opened it up, glanced at it only. It was short. Barely three lines. They didn't even have time to make their form rejection of a nice length. Sigh.

Then I actually read it. And, due to cough medicine, had to read it three more times to actually grasp what it said. Considering that at no point does it mention the amount the agent would like to see, I assume they're requesting the whole thing. The FULL! I've never had anyone request the FULL before! Now, this is tempered by the fact that she requested from a query only. She could pick up the first page and hate my style. What it does mean, 100%, is that my query works. I have at the very least learned how to write an attractive query letter capable of garnering interest. YAAAAAY!

'Course, it doesn't hurt that she is among the top three agents representing sci-fi/fantasy. Hee.

I just have to finish editing the thing now. And that, my friends, is a very large, daunting task. Not as towering as if I were editing Bloodstones, but big enough to scare me. 40 pages down, 630 to go...
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