
Aug 12, 2006 23:59

So close! I was so close to hitting that glorious, thought-impossible finishing point tonight. 700 words shy of 10,000 in one day! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Go me. ::smugness::

I really wish I could have hit it. But I hit a snag in the story. An empty space that needed brainstorming to fill. I think I've figured out a way, courtesy of the hubby, to make it work. We'll see tomorrow!

I am now...seven or eight scenes from The End. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I should've checked to see how many words my scenes averaged. :T Oh well. Tomorrow. For now, I'll vaguely guestimate a total of...25k left. Which isn't enough to finish up GEM. I'd be more upset about that, and push to finish Atlantis this month, too, except I want my partial subbed to Luna by next week. I'll start up on Atlantis before the month is out, certainly, just don't know how hard a push it'll be.

Mm mm MMM! I love writing. :D

One of these days, I'll actually compile the whole Gryphon's Overture, and post an update bar. Although that might not be until I finish... Hee.

Onward and upward!
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