Jan 18, 2010 20:04
1. Be the spark. Actively try to be the one who makes conversations as fun or serious or deep as I want them.
2. Be on top of things like bills, spreadsheets, email, calls. Try to answer calls within 24-48 hours and emails within 24.
3. Try to get to bed by 11 every night.
4. Read more. Read the news more.
5. Write real blog entries more. Write more fiction.
6. Eat healthy and exercise more. (How sad is it that this is number 6?) Try to lose 5-7 pounds between each time I see the boyfriend. Weigh self every Monday in the locker room.
7. Start seeing setbacks also also second chances.
8. Become ok with going to _______.
9. Start thinking about what RSS feeds I want to cut when I go to law school.
10. More aggressively cross things off my location to do list.
11. Floss more.
12. See a dermatologist if this doesn't clear up.
13. Screw the skin issues, get a massage anyway.
14. Take a ceramics class!
15. Screw losing weight (but try anyway), saving money, or the fact that law school isn't The Law: get some solid work pants. Try to spend less than $70/pair.