Title: Red (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Genre: Het, AU
Rating: PG
Length: 110
Summary: ‘You like what you see, Scofield?’ she teased lightly, coming to a standstill opposite him, long, red hair framing her face.
‘Hey,’ she had smiled, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips as she approached him.
‘I - uh - wow,’ he managed finally, his throat dry and eyes unwavering as he drunk in her appearance.
‘You like what you see, Scofield?’ she teased lightly, coming to a standstill opposite him, long, red hair framing her face.
He raised a hand, gently tugging on a stray strand, a small smile on his face as he re-enacted a fragment of their past.
‘I love what I see,’ he corrected, voice low and tinted with something that made a shiver full of promises run down her spine as he tugged her to him.