Temptation 3/5

Apr 28, 2008 23:04

 Title: Temptation
Rating: Erm, PG-13 I guess. Maybe more later
Pairing: Jonas/Lucy
Disclaimer: Not mine; they're real people with their own lives etc. But d**n, they'd be a hot couple.

Part Three

Anjali looked at Jonas, eyebrows raised as Lucy hurried off out into the night. He winced at the demanding look on her face.

“What happened?” she asked. “She’s already upset today; Dan arrived with his girlfriend on set and let’s say they were hardly discreet about it.”

“Oh God,” Jonas groaned, burying his face in his hands. “She thought I was using her to get rid of Sophie. Right, I’m going.”

Gordon chucked him his jacket from their table and he wrestled it on as he rushed out into pouring rain. The unpredictable Hungary weather pelted down from the heavens drenching him in seconds. It only took him a couple of minutes to find her, quickly catching her up as he turned the corner, noticing her small figure, hunched over to try and shield herself from the rain. She jumped as he halted beside her, eyes wide and startled before glaring at him.

“What do you want?” she asked continuing to walk.

“To take my coat,” he said, holding it out to her. “You’re going to freeze!”

“No,” she said stubbornly, despite wrapping her arms round herself as she shivered. She was absolutely drenched through to the skin, her hair hanging in wet, limp strands around her face and goosebumps adorning her arms.

“Lucy,” he growled in frustration, trying to keep up with her fast pace. “Take the bloody jacket.”

“No,” she replied again fiercely, still shaking from the cold.

“Fine,” he said angrily, placing the jacket roughly over her shoulders. “Now you have it. Put it on.”

She studied his face before looking away and putting it on, never having experienced an angry Jonas before.

“Thank you,” she said quietly after a couple of minutes of walking in silence.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were upset about Dan?”

She tugged the jacket tighter around her and didn’t say anything until he looked at her pointedly.

She sighed, “Because I wanted to pretend it didn’t happen.”

“You should have told me,” he said. “I’d never of done that otherwise, Luce, you know -“

“I know,” she affirmed cutting him off. She looked at him her voice turning softer. “I know.”

Her lips turned upwards slightly before her gaze turned to her feet.

“I am sorry, though.”

“Mmm,” she said in agreement. “You owe me.”

He laughed and they turned the corner for the hotel, the rain lessening to a soft drizzle.

“Damn,” Lucy muttered, digging through her pockets. “My keys are in my bag. I left it at the club.”

“Do you want me to go back?” he offered, jerking his thumb in the direction they’d come.

She shook her head. “Can I -“

“Come get dry?” he finished and she nodded. “Course.”

As they reached the hotel Jonas’ heart, which had been somewhat elevated, dropped horribly as he spotted Dan emerging from the doors as they began to climb the stairs to the foyer. A girl hung off his arm, leaning into him and he knew immediately that this was the undesired arrival. Sensing Lucy hadn’t seen them he desperately tried to think of a way of missing them, but it was impossible. He met Dan’s eyes and all he could do was search for Lucy’s hand giving it a reassuring squeeze as he felt her falter.

“Jonas, Lucy,” Dan greeted as they met. “You two look...wet?”

“Yeh, uh, got caught in the rain.” Jonas replied his hand resting gently on Lucy’s lower back trying to comfort her. An awkward silence fell over them; Lucy had yet to look up from her feet, and Dan was looking uneasily at Jonas.

“So, this is?” Jonas asked, prompting an introduction to the girl who was looking even more out of place.

“Oh, sorry, this is Joanne.”

“Hi,” Joanne said giving them a weak smile.

“I’m Jonas,” Jonas told her. “And this is -“

“Lucy.” Jonas looked at Lucy in surprise. Her voice was confident and almost friendly. It appeared to have caught Dan off guard as he too stared at Lucy, whose eyes flickered at him briefly before looking away. “Anyway, nice to meet you but I’m freezing...”

“Uh, yeh,” Jonas said quickly picking up the hint. “We’re gonna go get dry. Have a nice evening.”
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