Temptation 2/5

Apr 25, 2008 23:01

Title: Temptation
Rating: Erm, PG-13 I guess. Maybe more later
Pairing: Jonas/Lucy [RPF]
Disclaimer: Not mine; they're real people with their own lives etc. But d**n, they'd be a hot couple.

Authors Note: This is a piece I’ve been writing for a while, which kind of goes with another fic I’m writing about Jonas and Lucy at the moment. But knowing me and my incapable ways I’ll probably never get round to posting that let alone finishing it so I thought I’d post this. It'll probably come in 4 or 5 parts, and I’ve already written two parts completely and I’m working on the third =]

You don't really need to know much apart from the fact that Lucy had, whilst filming series 1, been going out with a guy that worked on set called Dan. To cut a long story short he started seeing someone else behind her back when they arrived back home and Lucy found out and is still pretty upset about the whole thing.

But yeh, I hope you like it =] I love reviews they tend to keep me going, so please do =]

Part Two 
[previous chapter at my journal]

Despite his protests, Lucy’s warm hand slipping intricately into his made him content as they weaved through the crowds and joined the queue for the toilet. It was while he was waiting for Lucy to re-emerge that Sophie sidled up to him.

“Do you make a habit of queuing for the ladies toilets?” she asked, tongue caught between her teeth. Her hand came to rest on his arm and her face was far too close for comfort. He stopped himself from taking a deliberate step back.

“Erm, no, I’m waiting for someone,” he said.

As he spoke, Lucy appeared out of the toilets, smiling as she spotted him and heading his way. He took the moment to drink her in, clad in tight jeans, heels and a backless, tight top that ended slightly early, revealing an inch of silky skin that he had constantly been forcing himself to resist touching throughout the night.

“Hey Sophie,” she smiled as she reached them.

“Lucy,” the blonde greeted, leaning heavily into Jonas. “I was just going to try and persuade Jonas to dance, seeing as he hasn’t all evening.”

In absolute desperation, Jonas tried to pin Lucy with a ‘help me’ look but failed, squirming uncomfortably as Sophie felt for his hand, which was desperately trying to burrow itself into his pocket.

“Sounds fun,” Lucy smirked as Sophie dragged him away. Jonas, in a frantic attempt to cling onto something grabbed Lucy’s hand and she gave a loud “oomph’ as she too was pulled along.

They stopped in the middle of the dance floor just as a new song started with a heavy, raunchy beat. Sweaty bodies swung to the rhythm, the heat rising and hanging in the air. Jonas possibly felt more awkward than ever, Sophie continually brushing against him in what should have been an enticing way, but having the complete opposite effect than she’d destined. Recognising that he wasn’t going to get out of this situation anytime soon, he turned his attention to Lucy who either hadn’t acknowledged Sophie’s continual advances or was ignoring them beautifully, her body moving to the beat. He could feel the eyes of everyone at the table without even turning, knowing they were probably chuckling away as he desperately tried to move away from Sophie, who was getting closer and closer.

By this point, Lucy had given him the pleasure of finally meeting his pleading gaze and with eyes laughing, caught Sophie’s arm pulling her towards her to talk into her ear. He watched Sophie tip her head back with laughter and as she did so, Lucy stepped into the sudden gap by Jonas forcing an unknowing Sophie away from him.

And that was when he broke. Those hips were right in front of him, unknowingly tantalising and teasing. He could see the muscles in her back ripple as she moved to the song, long curls stroking the skin as if taunting him. Unable to help himself and without thinking he ceased his chance, slipping his hands round the bare skin of her hips, bringing her back to his chest. She turned to smile at him as he intimately pushed back the hair away from her neck so he could whisper his thanks into her ear. He knew, as he relished in her warm body being so close to his, how suggestive this looked but was point the past of caring, hands taking it a step further, sliding round to her stomach, thumbs gently stroking the soft skin there. He groaned inwardly, feeling Lucy shudder under his touch as they caressed and traced patters over her torso. It felt like heaven. Lost in the moment, Lucy arched into his touch and he grinned against her neck, brushing a soft kiss to the nape -

And then she froze, her whole body going completely rigid. He looked up in annoyance at the disturbance but it all dissipated into a horrible sinking feeling as he caught Sophie’s retreating back.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit, he swore to himself, feeling Lucy struggle free from his embrace, almost throwing away his hands from around her waist. When she turned to him his heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach. She looked furious, blue eyes boring into him as hard as steel. He opened his mouth to say something, anything in his defence, to apologise, but he stopped suddenly at loss for words.

“How could you?!” she demanded finally, her voice fierce and rising.

“How could I what?” He replied without thinking. Again.

“You know she likes you!” Lucy retorted angrily. “Don’t,” her voice wavered for a moment before she recovered herself. “Don’t think you can use me to get rid of the ones you don’t like, Jonas. I’m not here to benefit you!”

And then she turned on her heel beginning to pick her way out of the throng of people. Feeling the rise of fear within him he chased after her, making a frantic grab for her arm and successfully tugging her back to him just by the bar.

“Lucy, please,” he begged, his voice catching in his throat. He’d never meant for this to happen, never meant to upset her. He’d just been so tempted to hold her close again, not having done so since he’d woken up curled around her body, nose buried in her neck all those months ago when she’d come to stay with him. “I’m sorry, I am so sorry, please.” His voice was so desperate and so sincere Lucy actually looked up at him. Her eyes were filled with tears, which just made him become even more fraught. “I’d never use you, Luce, I didn’t mean -“

“You,” she said quietly, and he struggled to hear her over the music, but when he did he felt as if she’d stabbed him. “You of all people know I’m sick of being used and messed around, Jonas!”

She looked so distraught, eyelids rimmed with tears threatening to fall in rivers down her cheeks, he just wanted to hold her and never let go. Stroke her hair repeatedly as she cried into his shoulders, whispering endless apologies into her ear over and over again until everything was all right and the sadness in her eyes disappeared. But he couldn’t. His mouth remained half open, desperately wanting to say something to make everything better but failing miserably, and so closed it, watching Anjali approach cautiously.

“Lucy?” she asked, and upon seeing the tears in her friend’s eyes stared at Jonas questioningly. “What?” she queried. “Lucy, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she said quietly, hugging her arms round her body as if to comfort herself. “I’m tired. I think I’m going to head back to the hotel. See you tomorrow.”

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