Personal Forseer

Jan 30, 2010 17:05

This is another one that just came about. I think it was loosely based on a "friend" of mine that seemed to know me quite well. Turned out he was just a manipulative jerk who paid far too much attention to detail. Ah, well, such is life. You live, you learn...

Personal Forseer

The eyes are the windows to the soul, I said,
but only if the beholder can truly see.
Many have tried and failed to see what's in my head,
and even less have really seen the true me.

But somehow he sees all the way down
to the depths of the soul so deep.
He pulls my thoughts without whisper or sound
knowing the secrets I try desperately to keep.

He knows what they are before they leave my lips
and he doesn't understand how easy it is.
They leave my grasp, fall from my fingertips,
but I know how to get away from this.

Just shut the door to my inner sanctum;
It isn't easy, but it can be done.
All I really have to do is become...
become something and nothing all in one.

Go to that place of hatred and fear
where nothing hurts me, it can't get in.
It's dark, it's cold, it's numb in here.
Inside this place I will always win.

It snaps behind my eyes like steel doors;
all that was seen is lost from my face.
It may not be wise to let him see more,
so I stand alone and lose his saving grace.

The decision to block is mine alone;
only let him in as far as I want him to be.
I can never get back what I've already shown,
so it's true, I've already given him a part of me.

How did this happen? Why was I so blind?
I can't even tell how far I've let him in.
It seems like too much, he knows the ins and outs of my mind.
I don't know how far he'll go, or where he's been.

I'm trying to keep control, but sometimes it seems pointless.
There's already so much that he knows.
He seems clairvoyant, didn't even have to guess;
becoming the captain of a sea of woes.

I think about it day in and day out,
every thought enduring more exhaust.
Into the sea of woes runs a stream of doubt,
and still to him, nothing is lost.

I cant wish it to go away,
because part of me enjoys it.
To the side of contradiction I begin to sway
Yet one side or the other, neither seems to fit.

There in lies the question, to be open or to be closed?
I search deep inside, looking for answers to find;
It seems to neither idea I am opposed.
I smile and steal back the keys to my mind.

There will be things I must come to terms with.
Thoughts and secrets he'll undoubtedly steal.
This conclusion I come to is no myth;
hidden or revealed, he'll always know how I feel.

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