Jun 04, 2006 00:00
So I had this fun chat with Adam...
MastaHomeBurger (11:55:42 PM): SERIOUSLY. LAY OFF THE CRACK.
MastaHomeBurger (11:55:52 PM): I didn't even know it was hallucinogenic.
dropdeadpretty (11:56:46 PM): It's not smartass.
dropdeadpretty (11:56:54 PM): Look Adam, I'm really not in the mood
MastaHomeBurger (11:56:54 PM): IS FOR YOU
MastaHomeBurger (11:56:59 PM): hehe
dropdeadpretty (11:57:17 PM): I, FINALLY, got over bleeding from my vagina, and I am still have mood swings since it JUST ended
dropdeadpretty (11:57:24 PM): Please do not fucking start with me.
MastaHomeBurger (11:57:28 PM): hehe. So be it.
dropdeadpretty (11:57:39 PM): Thank you.
dropdeadpretty (11:57:45 PM): Lest you find yourself at the mercy of a bloody tampon-wielding Keara.
dropdeadpretty (11:57:46 PM): ^_^
Yay Ovulation Cycle!!!! Yay Tampons!!!!! Yummy Vagina Blood!!! Why sacrifice a virgin for her blood? Just use the bitch's tampon!!!!
A girl could use a penis as a make shift tampon...hmmmm.....
Ok, I'm having way too much fun here.
comment please.