Ha! I love this and must have it as soon as possible:
Serge accepted the University of Michigan's offer so it looks like we're going to be moving to Ann Arbor Michigan! He's going to be moving in June, and I'm going to stay with my mom until the end of the summer so that I can save money in order to rent the uhaul and all of that exciting stuff. I am going to hate leaving my friends and family but I definitely need a change from Georgia... there is a guy that works for Eastern MI University who does bat research and is into evolutionary biology, what my major will be if I go to that school.
Oh, and did you know that
Google has bus routes laid out on their freaking maps?! I was like, how are we going to see exactly how far the bus stops are from school, the house/apartment, and other places? Well, there we go. We are both leaving our cars behind, maybe selling his to have the extra money to move... Why do we need a car when they have an excellent bus system? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there will be issues with not having a car. But, overall I think it will be better and we won't have to pay for car tags, insurance or fucking OIL CHANGES UGH! If something happens, mom can always drive my car up there and fly back.