Free Will and Action

Sep 22, 2011 07:06

The idea of free will is something close and dear to my heart. With free will, my choices are mine, my actions are mine, and I have ownership over my life. Ironically, I have no real proof of my free will. Too much freedom of how I exercise my will leads to repercussions, stagnation and meaninglessness. Too little freedom leads to freedom from repercussions, action and meaninglessness. Exercising freedom of my will well means treading a fine line between anarchies.

‎... You may find yourself wondering “If I have no freedom of action, that is, no free will, then why do I believe that I do?” This is the bit that breaks the system. In our story of why events happen, we believe we need to think we have free will so that we will choose what we would always have chosen. Yet we don’t need to believe this if we have no choice, since we would always have done the next event anyway. A predetermined universe does not require self awareness or self will, yet we think we are self aware and have free will...

more at my blog:

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