May 12, 2009 01:59
Get a cup of plain flour, a quarter of a cup of suger, a quarter of a cup of apple sauce, 1 cup of water, mix together and it becomes quite hard to separate out the ingredients. Esecially if you then then pour out a couple of spoon fulls on a hot surface, you get vegan pancakes. This is because the nature of the ingredients has changed. Rather than being a mixture of various components, the compoenents have merged, chemically bonded if you will, into a new substance.
This seems also true of life. As the time passes, the experiences that impact upon your life change your life. You become a growing entity. The impact of experiences changes you. To separate out these events is impossible.
Or is it? When you rewind a movie, the characters on the movie have no idea what is coming. Can you rewind time?
The hyperthetical:
What if time were actually going backwards - would you know it? What if time were occuring in parrallel? What if time was occuring randomly, but we were some strange entity that pieced it together in an order that made sense to us?