1 -- Shabbat

Sep 01, 2009 18:36

Итак, первая карта

In Hebrew, the days of the week are simply called first day,
second day, third day, and so on. The Hebrew Shabbat
(Yiddish: Shabbes) derives form shivah (seven), the seventh day:
the day of rest, or Sabbath. Shabbat originally was the day
dedicated to the leaden, baleful, ominous, melancholic, black
seventh planet, Saturn. The Babylonians called this day Shapatu,
and no one ventured out for fear of Shapatu’s malevolence.
The ancient Hebrews adopted and inverted Shapatu into Shabbat, 
а day of rest given us by God as a blessing. Shabbat begins
when candles are lit 18 minutes before the sun sets on Friday night
and ends when three stars are visible on Saturday night.
This extends the joy if Shabbat a little longer. Anything defined
as work is forbidden on Shabbat, including kindling, carrying,
or extinguishing a flame and, by extension, turning electricity
or an auto engine on or off.

cards, j

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