I am currently working on a vidding project and I need some help from all you talented artists. The project is about Adrian's Boys folder and I need some examples of sorta smutty art pics of the other Watchmen that might be in the Boys folder. The pics do not need to be made for this purpose, but as long as they involve a male superhero from Watchmen (or two) and are kinda sexy, they will be perfect. I need like 60+ of these images for the vid I am planning so the more you can recommend the better. Ideally I would like recs from artists and so I can get direct permission to use the pics.
Credit will be given of course. And if you would like some examples of my work, please check out my web site:
http://akemi42.com. If you are interested in contributing, please reply to this post or email me at akemi42 at gmail dot com with a link or a copy of the art plus permission to use for the purpose of the vid.