So...I think college is sort of starting for me now.
Just moved into my dorm (which is hopefully temporary, I'd rather be living with
creativexwonder in the bigger rooms), and it's pretty cozy. Cold, but cozy. Cold is good, it's like...100+ degrees outside right now.
Depending on the rooming situation, I might have pictures of the place up tomorrow or in two weeks. I'm trying not to unpack everything (ie figurines, clothes, etc.) just in case I'm able to move in with linlin later. But if I'm staying here for a semester...then I'll set up everything and invest in a flag to put over my bed.
...I have the feeling the roomie will be freaked out by my wig head with America's wig on it held down by my fedora just...sitting on my desk XD;
I think he's handsome. Better than all the crazy stuff I put on him back home XD
And, unfortunately, my desk and bed are nowhere near a plug :| well, unless I buy an extension cord or if the roomie doesn't mind me stealing hers.
Anyway. This is supposed to be sentimental, but it hasn't hit yet. There are still parents and baby brothers around the place, so it's not exactly...all there yet.
Either way,
"Welcome to UNT. Are you ready? Your very own story is about to unfold. You'll face tough times and challenges. A world of dreams and adventure awaits."
*rolls away*