Jan 04, 2010 21:51

:D my morning was weird. And I left my backpack at home. We won't talk about that.

Hung out with mongoliabun today, and she gave me this absolutely amazing coloring book of omgyes for Christmas~ thank you again! >w< oh, and we went shop-browsing and ate yummy burgers! Yeah!

And then I got home and YAY MORE BOOKS CAME IN. Now I have both the Scott McCloud books I've been yearning for since last year (thank you, Tim) AND. AND. THE MOST AMAZING THING.


I am so excited to read it, and then I can move on to the other book I bought a while back, and then I can start on Elizabeth I, Peter the Great, Frederick the Great, Maria Theresa, and whoever else I decide I wanna read more about. Good lord I've had enough with Louis XIV. Sun King, yes yes, you were great. Maybe I'm just tired of French history?

Okay, now I'm gonna go study comics, draw some, do some extra European History reading, and not think about RP'ing~ oh, and try to pump out more badge sketches.

myo-myo, european history, comics, catherine the great, ali, omg, school sucked, books, history, must read now

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