Oh yeah, that meme from forever ago which of course I didn't finish, but here are the four I wrote:
1. Write down the names of 10 characters.
2. Write a fic of fifty words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.
1. Peter Parker (Marvel)
2. Wes Janson (Star Wars)
3. Lauren Adams (CHERUB)
4. Ben Skywalker (SW)
5. Anakin Solo (SW)
6. Tony Stark (Marvel)
7. Andy Gallagher (Supernatural)
8. Ahsoka Tano (SW)
9. Tai Kamiya (Digimon)
10. JD (Scrubs)
one; First Time, 4 and 6 (Ben Skywalker & Tony Stark)
It won't work.
He should start again. It's cheating to get help, right? Not that he asked. The guy just started putting pieces together. But ... it got done.
Tony waves impatiently. "Some of us have lives to get back to."
(But he's smiling.)
Ben nods, breathes, and--
two; Angst, 7 (Andy Gallagher)
He didn't have a brother before and he doesn't have a brother now. Nothing's changed.
He stares at his hands. They're shaking, and it's not because of the caffeine.
Nothing's changed.
three; AU, 1 and 8 (Peter Parker & Ahsoka Tano)
"This," Peter complains, "is ridiculous."
"I'm right here!"
Peter winces and looks over. The teen mutant is, indeed, there. Scowling.
"Seriously--" Pleading now. "--you've seen my fights. The last thing I need is a sidekick--"
Tony's only response is a dry, "I think you're perfect for each other."
four; Hurt/Comfort, 5 and 10 (Anakin Solo & JD)
"My life! It's over!"
"...it's not that bad," Anakin offered.
JD stopped pacing to turn and stare. "This is the worst thing that ever happened."
"Um, war and--?"
"This is the worst thing," firmly. "I. Missed. Journey."
Anakin shook his head and turned back to his datapad. "Yeah. Worst thing."
five; Crack, 1 (Peter Parker)
six; Horror, 10 (JD)
seven; Baby Fic, 5 and 9 (Anakin Solo & Tai Kamiya)
eight; Dark, 2 and 8 (Wes Janson & Ahsoka Tano)
nine; Romance, 4 and 7 (Ben Skywalker & Andy Gallagher)
ten; Death Fic, 2 and 3 (Wes Janson & Lauren Adams)