Henry Jaeckel Blick auf Neapel mit dem Vesuv
HERMANN (AUGUST) KRUGER (1834-1908) Northern Italy Landscape (possibly Lake Como), 1877
A. de Fontenay, 19th Century
AIVAZOVSKY, IVAN (1817-1900) View of Venice
Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900) Pushkin at the Waters Edge
IVAN KONSTANTINOVICH AIVAZOVSKY ( 1817-1900) Night at Gurzof, 1891
Othmar Brioschi (1854-1912) Northern Italian Lakeland Scene
Louis Gurlitt (1812-1897) Motif near San Felice on Lake Garda
Anton Doll (1826-1887) Encounter in a Mountain Valley beneath a Castle
Apostool, Cornelis - Het dal van de Anio met de watervallen van Tivoli., 1800-1825
Assche, Henri van - Rivier in de Ardennen bij zonsondergang, 1821
Carl Millner (1825-1895) Bringing the Cattle Down from the Alm
August Friedrich Kessler (1826-1906) attributed Landscape in Upper Italy
Carlo Marko Jr. (1822-1891) View of Florence and the Hills to the West of San Donato, via Bagno a Ripoli
Jan Frederik Portielje (1829-1908) Shepherdess and Flock in an Open Landscape
Johann Joseph Jansen Aachen 1829-1905 View of Lake Lucerne
Josef Holzer (1824-1876) His Excellence Leopold Graf Palffy on a Grey
Heinrich Bohmer (1852-1930) Woodland Landscape with Deer
Marin VERSTAPPEN (1773 -1853)Vue couvent dans la campagne romaine
Monogrammist F. S. M. 19. Jhdt.Alpine Landschaft mit Mühle und Wanderer