Sep 18, 2010 22:19
In stark contrast to my latest entry , this is filled witht the random happy/silly ideas and thoughts of me.
1) I wish to marry any of the cast of The Buried LIfe. They are adorable, smart and funny.
2) It is approximately one month until i move to california, i could not be more excited about seeing you. <3
3) Doug Benson's Super High Me is fantastically funny and now I have become obsessed with watching his stand up.
4) It is football season and I am pleased that the cold weather brings some good.
5) I am loving single 21 year old life.
6) Philippa yelled at Simon, it was epic drama, but still epic.
7) Shelly will most likely be breaking up with the asshole that is her fiance, this means no marriage and no teenage pregnancy wooohhooo.
8) Netflix just makes life better also so does my xbox 360.
9) Pierce me happy,
10) School applications have been sent and paid for, cross your fingers.