Feb 06, 2006 21:24
Just finished reading this book and I honestly feel that it should become a woman's bible. If you haven't read it, what are you waiting for child? I won't say much about the book so everyone can experience it themselves; the only thing I will say is that it MUST be read, especially if you're a woman. I appreciate so much more about myself and other women now that I've read it and I want to be more involved in ending violence against women once and foreall. READ THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES!!
On another note...spring semester just began and already I'm having difficulty with classes. Yeah, I'm a complete idiot. I signed up for a Poli Sci class (Poli Sci 19: Women and Politics) and it's at Granada! Long story short, I had a really bad experience taking a Pierce class at a high school last year, and I'm not about to do that again. So I have to add the an earlier Poli Sci 19 class tomorrow. It's in between two classes and that means no break for me- joy! But hopefully there's room in the class and she's willing to add me because not only do I really want to take this class (and see if I should be a Poli Sci major or possibly a Women's Studies major) but I've already ordered my books from Amazon.com and two of them have arrived! I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow. What's going on in everyone's lives these days? Hopefully the new quarter/semester is going well for all of you. Comment/text me sometime and make my day!