word for word

Oct 29, 2011 18:27

It's Saturday. I look like the queen of all the greaseballs. I need to shower but I have 27 sweaters hanging on my shower curtain bar, drying. So there's that.

I did finish all of my laundry yesterday, which was nice. It feels so good to have clean everything. Clean socks. Clean underwear. Clean clothes for the gym.

Actually, I didn't go to the gym today. I didn't feel like it, and I went Sunday-Friday, so I a, letting myself off the hook. I did go to Halloween Zumba yesterday but I was SUPER late and walking in was so awkward. Also, I've either figured out how to do some of the moves properly or not stretching made me fairly stiff today.  Instead, I laid in bed with Pixel until past noon. On the one hand, not having to get out of bed is nice, but on the other hand. I feel like my day is kind of wasted.

I am working on my o-chem report. But as usual, it's taking me all day because a) I have no idea what's going on, b) it's very technical and c)I spend way too much time dicking around on the interwebs. Oh well. I would say that I'm about half done, and I've done the theory and mechanism which I always find time consuming and THERE IS NO FLOW CHART which always takes me hours and hours. No doubt I will get stuck on the questions and discussion, but whatever. It's saturday.

Although, I have to work all day tomorrow, including catching the bus at 6 am. My life sucks. I should probably shower for that. Also, it's the chem students halloween party during the afternoon and that would have been fun to go to. Even more fun would have been JAMAICA NIGHT at Paul's church. It will feature Jerk chicken. :( :( Major sadness! Also, there is zumba in the morning and I'll be missing that and it's going to be halloween zumba again. *sniffle sniffle*

Speaking of Zumba. I weight myself today. I'm down 5 lbs this week, which puts me at 40 lbs lost. It's funny, I don't feel any different physically or in terms of confidence levels or whatnot. I dug out pictures of me in Jamaica and compared them with pictures in New York, but my face is still SO ROUND and my body is all wobbly. Whatever, I am happy that the scale fell back down. I was worried about how I'd be eating, but I think I can keep this up.

I spent all day at the library yesterday afternoon. My timing was seriously perfect - someone was returning the reserve material right as I got there and a managed to finish that report. I will take my chem assignment with me tomorrow as there should be lots of down time. Overall I am happy with what I got done. I didn't finish everything, but what's left should be manageable, especially since I don't have a geo lab or an inorganic chem lab this week. REJOICE!

I also got a lot of housework done yesterday. A clean home is a quiet mind, that's for sure. It looks so much better. After I finish this lab I'd like to clean off my desk, wash a load of dishes and clean out the pantry. I'd better get cracking, since I need to write my discussion for the lab and answer the qs still. Eff.

One thing that I did not get done is a haircut. Ottawa really is the worst.

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