Apr 06, 2006 13:29
A menudo los dias buenos me sorpresan. I talked to Melissa last night- that was wonderful! I love that we can pretty much just pick up wherever we are in our lives and chat. I also had a really great, fairly deep conversation with Austin Dupree. In a way I think I kind of wrote her off winter term because she seemed so distant, and now I can't tell you how cool it is to be re-connected with her. We had a long talk about women, sororities, Ani Difranco, steroetyping, and spirituality. And this weekend she and I are going to drive to the top of Paris Mountain at night and I'm going to bring my guitar.
Speaking of my guitar, I played for almost an hour today outside by the lake where people were eating! It went surprisingly well. =) I didn't think there would be anyone there, but a bunch of my friends showed up, and it is so gorgeous outside and the sound system was great. Everything just went well. THEN, I competed in Derby Dash for this big week-long competition between the sororities to raise money for Sigma Chi. Anyhow, the jist is that you get a clue and run as fast as you can to where you think that clue leads. Then, if you're right, there's another Sigma Chi guy standing there to give you the second clue. Well, I had to borrow a girl's tennis shoes and I was running in a skirt and I had NO idea I would end up running over a mile as fast as I could! So Diana basically sprinted to the first clue, and then I ran as fast as I could to the second clue/finish- it ended up being ALL the way across campus- like 2/3 of a mile. I can tell you, I looked ridiculous. However, I got second place!!! Wha-bam! This was waaaay exciting to me. =) And..... I'm still winded.
This afternoon is virtually free. I'm going to go do some work in the library now. I want to take a nap, but I figure I can do that later.