It couldn't be a lovelier daaaay....

Apr 02, 2006 12:01

I hate that we lost an hour last night, but I awoke this morning to a scene that reminded me happily of what I envision Prince Edward Island to be in the springtime. Once during junior year, I was so frighteningly stressed out with all my work that I reverted to reading Anne of Green Gables before I went to bed and imagining I was her. Ah, to walk along the Lake of Shining Waters! But I have to learn (often) that the only way to be satisfied is to be content with what I have around me- the people, the beautiful campus, the opportunities. Maybe one day I'll have a farmhouse in the country and will live quietly and thoughtfully the way I want to. For now, I've just got to make good with what I have.

I got to see my Dad this morning! He had a conference in Hendersonville this week, so he drove down here to see me before he headed back to Greensboro. =) I love talking to my Dad- he is very understanding. We ate breakfast together and walked around the lake and finalized plans for Caroline coming to stay next week. =) YES! He and Michael and Caroline are going to come down here and he and Michael will play some golf on the Furman golf course, then we'll eat dinner together and Caroline will stay from Monday night through Wednesday night. THEN... Caro and I will drive on Thursday morning to SUNSET BEACH!!!!!!!! =) Gah- I'm SO excited about this! We have Friday, Saturday and Sunday off for Easter Break, but I'm going to take off Thursday as well, so Caroline and I get to have a fun road trip and then chill at the beach. Honestly, folks, life doesn't get better than Sunset Beach. My grandparents have a timeshare at a house there that I've gone to for as long as I could remember. I love waking up late, eating breakfast, going out to the beach for a long afternoon, coming in around 5 to shower and get dressed for an early dinner in Calabash, stuffing ourselves with fried seafood, hushpuppies, and then ice cream, coming back to the house and going out for a walk under the stars or crab-hunting, then crashing. It's so lazy, it's so perfect for driven-ol' me.

I still haven't secured a job at camp this summer and I'm hoping to get an e-mail this week. PUH-LEEEZE. I need to know that I have a job this summer. I was talking to my cousing Mary the other day, and I realized that I'm almost done with my freshman year of college. Whoa.

Okay, so I have a solid bit of work to do this afternoon, although I just want to take a nap. =) Hasta luego!
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